
Showing posts from April, 2022

UN = United Necrophiliacs

If anybody is STILL buying the line that Putin is just another one of them Blahblahblah- Never before has the United Nations been so pathetically partisan as it is now. It never played these MSM stunts when NATO was Carpet Bombing Eastern Europe, Mid East etc –

Floyd vs. Frazier

The Floyd vs. Frazier Fight - ) Anthony Frazier (51) wasn't a Career Criminal who OD'ed in a case that was clearly neither a homicide or racially motivated - we are talking about George Floyd here  :- Frazier was a genuine homicide victim whose corpse was variously looted/ignored by the others :- 'Restaurant customers were surprised to learn of the killing. Regular Kam Kae told  Channel 2 News : ‘[He’s] so attentive, he’s always watched the door. Why would somebody do that to him?’ [I personally NEVER ask  that question- why pretend things aren't that barkingly-psychotic wh...

LOOK! The Black Eyes again!!

As I understand it, the remaining units of Ukraine military in the East are completely surrounded. Um – how exactly ARE these trillions of dollars worth of high-tech weaponry going to get through for them to use in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh places? This is on top of all the ‘lethal weoponry’ that even the Western MSM admitted NATO had been supplying Ukraine with before the Military Operation even started. And that didn’t prevent Russia from neutralising Ukrofascist Sea and Air Power in the first few hours. Ooh, honestly, a cynical person would assume it is all an exercise in Weopon Production and Distribution as an end in itself. By Western standards of critical thinking, or even any kind of thinking at all, even Biden in his senile state is one of the sharpest blades in the knife-box. Source :-

One side of the dialogue -

  J**** M*****, steady on :)  Excellent News, Gonzalo Lira is still with us :- I do wish you'd listened to the interview as I suggested, it is explained clearly at the beginning that Gonzalo is Chilean - nothing to do with 'Russian Propaganda' , which is simply the catch-all term used to dismiss anything that counters the one beat drum Propaganda of the entire Western MSM.  Our friend from Lviv mentioned the alarming  news of Russian airstrikes there. This source always provides a lot of detail, and by  going to these sources you can find out was being targeted -  “A stockpile of American, German and British anti-tank missiles was destroyed at a military depot in Lvov. According to our source in the SBU, the attack on the logistics base in Lvov was a complete surprise. Several tens of tons of various anti-tank weapons were destroyed at the facility, including German PanzerFausts, British NLAWs and American Ja...

There are Lies, damn Lies - and then there is the BBC -

  I have never heard of Graham Mitchell before, but I can tell immediately he is presenting the truth with nothing to gain and everything to lose. I was just WAITING for somebody to be labelled as Lord Haw-Haw by the MSM. Lord Haw Haw was broadcasting Nazi propaganda, and as far as the Ukraine goes , the Telegraph and every other British MSM outlet are doing precisely that. The BBC yet again denying the genocide - 14 to 16000 civilians - perpetrated by predominantly neo-nazi forces since 2014. Is it an exagerration to call it genocide? The BBC and every other MSM outlet have never STOPPED accusing the Russians of that on the basis of no evidence :- This BBC  is always doing  this- bogus 'fact' mixed with glutinous 'human interest' stories to remind us of the 'innocent lives' blahblahblah - ' Ma...

Is this too verbose for a meme? :/

  • Guy Reid-Brown on April 19, 2022 at 2:58 pm How in heck could Gonzalo Lira be a Russian Spy if he was openly broadcasting in the Ukraine and TELLING us he was in Kharkov? One thing I have learnt since all this started is how the non ‘pro-Russian’ Ukrainians never stop lying. It is as if it is their native language. They lie broadly, badly, stupidly, incessantly – and the Western MSM simply regurgitate it all, that is why Ukrainian lies are so pathetic – they dont HAVE to be plausible. They just have to be histrionic crap, like a bad Victorian melodrama written by an overimaginative 19th century schoolgirl. ‘Spy’ is someone who operates in secrecy by definition. They don’t care- I presume everybody they murder, from Mayors to Young Communists they just call ‘Spy’ and then kill  them. Source :-

The Daily Telegraph- written by pathetic liars for 'educated' morons -

I am keeping this on record, with the dateline, just so if I ever meet a Telegraph reader ( who hasn't a clue that the Ukrainian Armed forces have already been decimated ) I can show him this. How else can you chip away at the average THICKbrit's insane cognitive dissonance except by demonstrating your 'eerie' Power of Prophecy - M2116

Gonzalo Lira is Missing


The one Country in Europe where the word Denazification truly applies

 I listened through this twice through this morning. I never heard of Zumy before , he is everything an interviewer should be - calm, completely open minded and very concerned about verification/citation - he is checking all the way through. As for Gonzalo Lira - I do not know where to begin - he is actually living in the Ukraine and genuinely risking torture and death. He was non-political and simply a businessmen when the conflict started. His early videos meant he had to flee Kiev merely because he was contradicting the propaganda about Russia 'targeting civilians.' He is talking from Kharkov,  hearing the shells every day. He explains the military reality, not MSM myth. The Russia Ministry of Defence is simply not lying when it states its military objectives, and vital to that is defending the Donbass republics - which genuinely have been shelled constantly by the Ukrainian Battalions since the violent coup-d'etat of 2014, with a loss of 14-16000 civilians  - from the...

'Hurry on Sundown, see what tomorrow brings' -

  ' Both the United States and the UK have publicly asserted that there won’t be “boots on the ground” in Ukraine, but apparently there has been a US-UK military presence since the start of the war.' Source :- THAT makes sense to me. The sheer size and scale of War Propaganda in Britain - the unremitting MSM demonisation of Russia (yet we are not at War with them?), the  avalanche of indiscriminate and easily disprovable MSM reported False Flags, the Yellow and Blue of the Ukrainian Flag in just about every single public space - online or in reality - on display in the UK  (yet we are not Defending them?) - and I have NEVER seen the Union Jack given this prominence - this has taken over from the Rainbow Colours, a staple of the Lockdown Seasons. All this Propaganda suggests that there is an ACTUAL war being fought - not simply NATO War-by-Proxy. I think it is very sensible to be aware that the likelihood of the expansion of...

Don't stop challenging the Narrative -

  This clip is just over four minutes. An interesting experiment would be to replace the word 'Ukrainians' with 'Russians' throughout, and 'Donbass' with  'Ukraine' , make it go viral, get the Western MSM-consumers worked up into  the usual Collective Russophobic frenzy and then REVEAL THE SWITCH. With thanks to Liliane Kennedy Pearse 'These innocent people have been shelled and attacked by Ukrainian military (including Azov Nazis) every day for the past 8 yrs. At least 14000 people killed. There is a children's cemetery in the Donbass called "Alley of Angels" Russian soldiers took captured POWs to witness it! All this carnage caused by an illegal coup d'etat by United States govt (Barack Obama) overthrowing the democratically elected leader of the Ukraine in 2014. The people of the Donbass are ethnic Russians.THIS is the REAL GENOCIDE. Not the USA/NWO agenda Western media reports.'

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

    'Now about yesterday’s Kramatorsk strike [Definitely a Ukrainian missile, by the way, but that was obvious from the beginning - unless you seriously believe that the Russians painted 'For [our] Children' on the shell-casing in white paint, to be photographed by the World's Press in the immediate aftermath- the trouble is, most Westerners  WILL accept this uncritically]– it had multiple objectives all of which we foresaw in the previous SitReps when I specifically said that Ukraine was now shifting to a psychological and terror war exclusively, because it cannot win a conventional one. The goals were: to terrorize civilians into not fleeing so they can be used as human shields in the upcoming showdown in Kramatorsk, to blame the falseflag on Russia for the same reasons as in the ‘Bucha massacre’ to continue extorting NATO sympathy and funds.' Source :- Look, just accept it - the Wester...


(photo: The BBC's Ros Atkins - how does this blandly good-looking man sleep at night?) OK, so maybe Zelensky is not a Hitler-Manqué - or Monkey, or whatever -  ( cf ) 'William Scott Ritter Jr. (born July 15, 1961) is a former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer who served with the United Nations implementing arms control treaties, with General Norman Schwarzkopf in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and in Iraq, overseeing the disarmament of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), as a United Nations weapons inspector, from 1991 to 1998. He later became a critic of United States foreign policy in the Middle East.' He sounds like he might know what he is talking about - I have just been listening to this podcast interview of his with Gonzalo Lira, who is actually living in Kharkov, hears the artillery fire every day, and also seems to know what he is talking about. It pul...

'It's Zelensky with a Zed' Pt. 2

 Well, a LOT of people are sceptical about this particular source, but if this is true, it will provide further evidence of Zelensky-as-Hitler – quite prepared to see every last Ukrainian soldier dead, on the grounds that HE will never surrender – or even come to Terms. And of course there will be no Bullet in the Bunker for Zelensky with a Zed (oh, come ON, even Kander and Ebb couldn't have improved on that line  :) )  - a wealthy retirement abroad with much 'International Acclaim' beckons -

Lies, damn lies and, er - more lies

On April 10th I put  'I am just going to post up here the subsequent False Flags as soon as BBC News/ Guardian/SKY/ Telegraph whatever  posts them as 'real'. What else can you do? The only strategy one can think of is wearing people down with the predictability of it all.' Source :- So here goes -  In fact, the BBC gathering them all up and putting them in one space :- The Guardian,  along with the rest of them,  turning 'allegations' into headlines , in the conscious knowledge that the accusation will stick in the public mind  - of COURSE the Russians are not using Chemical Weapons- NATO  DID use Depleted Uranium - massively- in the Middle East. That is not even up for debate.

Talk of Hitler

  I don't know when, if ever, there will ever be any real perception of Truth in the U.K. What I link to is a good source of information but it is probably too much for most peoples' attention spans. But reading the whole thing, it occurred to me very strongly that the one who is acting out like Hitler is Zelensky. This will be very apparent when the military operation ends. People in this country, who are almost entirely indoctrinated by their Mass Media, have absolutely no perception of how massive the military losses to the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been so far, and unprecedentedly the Invasion Force is numerically inferior to the Defensive Force. Russia has, in fact, only ever used a small percentage of its total firepower, but again this is something that most MSM consumers are entirely ignorant of. The Russian Operation is approaching its second and final phase, and this is where the Hitler comparison becomes evident. By refusing to come to Terms, Zelensky is deliberate...

You don't have to be Nostradamus-

 Two days ago  I put :- 'I am going to tell you what has happened here. I am not going to say 'in my opinion this is what has happened here' or 'there is another angle to this' -  Source :- 'Now about yesterday’s Kramatorsk strike – it had multiple objectives all of which we foresaw in the previous SitReps when I specifically said that Ukraine was now shifting to a psychological and terror war exclusively, because it cannot win a conventional one. The goals were: to terrorize civilians into not fleeing so they can be used as human shields in the upcoming showdown in Kramatorsk, to blame the falseflag on Russia for the same reasons as in the ‘Bucha massacre’ to continue extorting NATO sympathy and funds.' Source :- Meanwhile, in the World of Lies -  is the BBC more patronising, or is it more creepy, or does it manage to balance these qualities, as it...

"24/7 Hate"

  I am just going to post up here the subsequent False Flags as soon as BBC News/ Guardian/SKY/ Telegraph whatever  posts them as 'real'. What else can you do? The only strategy one can think of is wearing people down with the predictability of it all. It won't work with most Westerners, of course but . . . if only for one's own sanity. ' If Russia is willing to just kill people randomly, then why don’t they just bomb Kiev and finish this debacle in a few hours? This train bombing is burying the Bucha story that was unraveling. The strategy is obviously to just keep doing these hoaxes, and burying the previous hoax' - Source :- So, yes, we all know there will be more 'Russian atrocities uncovered'. It is ironic that the mass mind-controllers of the  West have elevated the word 'Hate' to the capitalised Legal  status of 'Hate Crime', 'Hate Speech' and do forth. By politicising an...

'We're caught in a trap' -

 'We can't go on together With suspicious minds (suspicious minds) And we can't build our dreams On suspicious minds'  Elvis did some good songs, didn't he? Anyway, getting off that, did you know that there was something going on last March in Dubai called 'World Government Summit 2022?' I wonder what that might be about? Obviously it isn't about advancing the concept of there being a 'One World Government' because only a tin-foil hatted lunatic believes that. And it can't be that important because I always scan the BBC/Sky News Headlines and they missed it completely. And they have nobodies speaking there, like this person described as 'Dr. Pippa Malmgrem, a top American economist who served as a special adviser to former President George W. Bush'. I watched the 1:43 clip where she says: '“We are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly, we are about ...

What Really Happened

  [ addendum: MSM = Mainstream Media ] I am going to tell you what has happened here. I am not going to say 'in my opinion this is what has happened here' or 'there is another angle to this' -  It is vitally important to declare this as Fact because the Truth has got to be conveyed to the maximum amount of people on the Western side of the divide - they are living within an MSM-generated lie and most of them will never get free from it simply because they don't want to. So you have to post Predictions of what will be found out to be true anyway, because that will be the only way to convince SOME people, but no amount of actual evidence will alter the mindset of the majority, as they believe they know it all already, because the MSM informed them so -  and they are living in the Free West -  in a ludicrous self-affirming vicious cycle; plus one cannot overcome the Almighty Power of Cognitive Dissonance that is the effective Epitaph of the West.  (The West will ca...

Oh, GIVE it over! -

 The stylistic nuances of Eastern European propaganda are CRAP - they cannot help overegging the pudding with ludicrous melodrama out of a bad 19th Century novel, and whenever the  British MSM regurgitate these details, you just KNOW it is more  False Flag bs :-  'The wreckage of a large missile was left lying on the grass outside the station. White Russian text was shown written down the side of its casing, which read: 'For (our) Children' - a revenge message from the pro-Moscow soldiers that launched it. It is believed to be the result of Russian propaganda brainwashing troops into believing Ukraine is carrying out atrocities in the east of the country.' Source :- Does anybody now remember the ridiculous story the Ukrainians made up about that 'iconic' photograph of the pregnant woman on the stretcher? Probably not, because even the Da...

False Flag Alert

  ANOTHER False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag It doesn't matter how many times one repeats it. It will ALWAYS work. I am not at all sure that the unconscious stupidity of the THICKbrit public - because they WILL believe this False Narrative en masse -   is worse than the conscious evil of the  people who are creating these lies for mass consumption. At least the latter have made a conscious decision to embrace evil and go down that path in conscious knowledge of what they are doing. Perhaps there is a special circle in Hell reserved  for those who choose to remain ignorant when there is unprecedented access to information. Source:- Dozens dead after rocket strike on railway station 'And I predicted exactly that when I wrote (many times) that as soon as the “the Ukies are kicking the Russkies’ ass” narrative becomes unsustainable, which it now has, it will be changed to “Russian atrocities”.' Source :-  http://thesak...

'Now that the barbarians have got as far as Picra'

  This makes sense to me. It is the actual braindead transparency of the British MSM Black Propaganda demonisation of Russia that is the very point of it: ' Andrei – The Saker April 6, 2022 So, as predicted by pretty much everybody, the long announced false flag has happened.  Yes, it was very poorly executed, botched really, but in a way this makes it even MORE effective?  Why?  It conditions the public of Zone A to uncritically accept any fairy tale, no matter how stupid, illogical and otherwise going against both basic common sense and basic logic. ' etc - Source :- The true importance of the Bucha false flag: a change of narrative The worst offenders in this, or the most effective proponents of the British MSM Single Narrative psy-op, depending on what your perspective is, are those outlets whose Readers and Viewers consider themselves to be the most educated, discriminating and difficult to fool - the perennial middle to upper class Conservative Readers...

Well, SOMEBODY'S lying, aren't they?

  (No, this is the OTHER 'iconic' photograph - The Daily Telegraph caught lying badly AGAIN :-  A New Low in Fake News   ) 'Onto a few other important updates. -One of the big stories today is the infamous ‘maternity ward girl’ has in fact come forward. Named Marianne, it turns out she’s from the Donbass and has completely refuted the Ukrop propaganda. She states in her interview that not only was the maternity not “bombed” by any planes like the fakenews contends (it was “shelled”), but she recounts how Ukrop military stormed the maternity ward, stole all the patients’ food even after she told them they were for the pregnant women, didn’t tell anyone of any attacks and after the “attack”, conveniently the Ukrop soldiers appeared only minutes later already towing western photojournalists and basically used her as a “prop” despite her crying and repeatedly telling them to stop taking photos. In short, it appeared to be a rehearsed psyop event where the photographers...

Most disgusting Fake Headline ever?

  From Wikipedia :-  'The Daily Telegraph, known online and elsewhere as The Telegraph (/ˈtɛlɪɡræf/), is a national British daily broadsheet newspaper published in London by Telegraph Media Group and distributed across the United Kingdom and internationally. It was founded by Arthur B. Sleigh in 1855 as The Daily Telegraph & Courier. Considered a newspaper of record over The Times in the UK when the Conservatives are in power,[5] The Telegraph generally has a reputation for high-quality journalism, and has been described as being "one of the world's great titles".[6]' Oh yeah?  You should be very, very worried, because the Daily Telegraph is churning out as relentless a barrage of Fake News Horror-Porn as every other British MSM outlet, whether 'Left Wing', 'Right Wing', Tabloid, Broadsheet or 'The Nation's Broadcaster' - the compulsory tax-funded BBC. This means that those in control - and those in control are dictating the One Nar...

If at first you don't succeed -

  ' The Holocaust memorial hoax was also promoted by Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin, who also circulated the fabricated story that Russia was using “mobile crematoriums” to hide war crimes.' Source :-  Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial “Unscathed” According to Israeli Journalist Yet another fake news story exposed. Published  1 month ago  on  3 March, 2022 Paul Joseph Watson 'British website The Telegraph is reporting that Russia is using mobile crematoriums in Ukraine in bid to hide its losses. But the accompanying video footage of a crematorium actually dates from 2013. It was posted by a Russian incinerator construction company and is not footage from the ground. The use of mobile crematoriums by Russians during the current war in Ukraine is yet to be verified. We tell you more in this edition.' Source :'  Is Russia using mobile crematoriums in Ukraine? Issued on: 28/02/2022 - 22:50 The Daily Telegraph AGAIN :-...