'Hurry on Sundown, see what tomorrow brings' -


' Both the United States and the UK have publicly asserted that there won’t be “boots on the ground” in Ukraine, but apparently there has been a US-UK military presence since the start of the war.'

Source :- 


THAT makes sense to me.

The sheer size and scale of War Propaganda in Britain - the unremitting MSM demonisation of Russia (yet we are not at War with them?), the  avalanche of indiscriminate and easily disprovable MSM reported False Flags, the Yellow and Blue of the Ukrainian Flag in just about every single public space - online or in reality - on display in the UK  (yet we are not Defending them?) - and I have NEVER seen the Union Jack given this prominence - this has taken over from the Rainbow Colours, a staple of the Lockdown Seasons.

All this Propaganda suggests that there is an ACTUAL war being fought - not simply NATO War-by-Proxy.

I think it is very sensible to be aware that the likelihood of the expansion of War is a distinct possibility - even probability. (And I haven't even mentioned China - NOT a good idea to antagonise them - https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202204/1259358.shtml

Meanwhile - what happened with the Russian Gas Attack Headlines that were all over the THICKbrit MSM merely a couple of days ago? - 

'April 11 updates

Russia gas attack hoax

The Azov battalion that is holed up in the steel mill Russia is preparing to flood out made a claim that Russia used a drone to attack them with nerve gas. As it turns out, "confirmation" came in the form of a reporter who sniffed a rag and said "Yes, it was nerve gas!!". No mass casualties, in fact, no casualties at all can be produced"

Source  :- 


Daily Mail from back on  MARCH 11TH!! :- 

'Russian troops in Ukraine have been issued GAS MASKS: Chemical warfare equipment is seized from captured troops amid warnings from the West that Putin WILL launch a gas attack

By Jack Newman For Mailonline08:59 11 Mar 2022, updated 10:13 11 Mar 2022'

Source :- 


If NONE of the above appears to make any sense to you as a coherent narrative - I agree and CONGRATULATIONS! - you may have started thinking for yourself, as opposed to just Reacting to MSM projected audio/visual stimuli,  and everybody at work the next day agrees on the same thing - even if it contradicts what they were all agreeing on a week ago - 

( A really good example here of an INDIVIDUAL thinking things through for themselves. He may be right - he may be wrong - he is asking QUESTIONS though, intelligent ones, too. YOU are an individual. You are capable of applying logic and discrimination. That's Good News, isn't it? :) :- 


And this came into the head spontaneously- 



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