Talk of Hitler


I don't know when, if ever, there will ever be any real perception of Truth in the U.K.

What I link to is a good source of information but it is probably too much for most peoples' attention spans.

But reading the whole thing, it occurred to me very strongly that the one who is acting out like Hitler is Zelensky.

This will be very apparent when the military operation ends.

People in this country, who are almost entirely indoctrinated by their Mass Media, have absolutely no perception of how massive the military losses to the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been so far, and unprecedentedly the Invasion Force is numerically inferior to the Defensive Force.

Russia has, in fact, only ever used a small percentage of its total firepower, but again this is something that most MSM consumers are entirely ignorant of.

The Russian Operation is approaching its second and final phase, and this is where the Hitler comparison becomes evident.

By refusing to come to Terms, Zelensky is deliberately presiding over the total destruction of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Unlike Hitler, he will not end up dead in a bunker.

He will end up in retirement abroad, a very wealthy man.

NATO will fight to the last Ukrainian, so will Zelensky, so will the BBC (whilst lying about it) and ultimately so will every sentimental Briton demonstrating his Solidarity with the poor Ukrainians by flying a blue and yellow flag over the Church, or House, or Museum.

( Pink Floyd - like virtually all entertainers, whenever they get 'involved', only demonstrate pampered multi-millionaire  cluelessness)

( Update: another excellent source :- )


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