Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.



'Now about yesterday’s Kramatorsk strike [Definitely a Ukrainian missile, by the way, but that was obvious from the beginning - unless you seriously believe that the Russians painted 'For [our] Children' on the shell-casing in white paint, to be photographed by the World's Press in the immediate aftermath- the trouble is, most Westerners  WILL accept this uncritically]– it had multiple objectives all of which we foresaw in the previous SitReps when I specifically said that Ukraine was now shifting to a psychological and terror war exclusively, because it cannot win a conventional one.

The goals were: to terrorize civilians into not fleeing so they can be used as human shields in the upcoming showdown in Kramatorsk, to blame the falseflag on Russia for the same reasons as in the ‘Bucha massacre’ to continue extorting NATO sympathy and funds.'

Source :-

Look, just accept it - the Western MSM are simply not going to put the brakes on the Atrocity-Porn,  mixing photos like the attached with headlines such as - 'I stopped my wife from opening mutilated daughter’s coffin to protect her from even more grief

Andrii Dereko pulls back his inconsolable partner after her 23-year-old child’s ‘horrific’ death at the hands of Russian torturers' etc etc -

Source :-

Now here is something much more sober, far less dramatic - a man talking quietly, no histrionics, no wailing women clawing at the skies - but he doesn't look like a liar to me - the measured tones, the straightforward ORDINARINESS of the delivery, the last nuance of facial and verbal expression - he plainly is not Zelensky,  who is never 'off' :- 

'French Journalists Reached Mariupol To Interview Local Civilians. War Crimes By Azov Confirmed (Video)'

Source :-

I know that most people will just dismiss the clip - which pretty much confirms precisely what the opening quotation I pasted  states by the way -  as lies and propaganda without even watching it, but that isn't the point.

The point is - never stop questioning, never stop examining, thinking, probing, seeking.

I promise you this - tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow and ever onwards this relentless  THE- RUSSIANS-DID-THIS! Atrocity-Porn, replete with accounts of rape and mutilation and torture, will be bulleted at you from every Western MSM outlet from the 'Conservative Broadsheets' (like The Daily Telegraph linked to here - almost the most consistently hysterical and ludicrous in piling up the Horror-Melodrama, by the way) to the historically trashy Tabloids like 'The Sun'.

And the vast majority of the Western MSM Consumers WILL uncritically allow this Single Narrative to be the only one they believe, if for no other reason than it will literally be THE ONLY ONE MOST OF THEM WILL SEE AND LISTEN TO.

Common Sense SHOULD tell them that if the Slavic Forces on one side are commiting all these  atrocities [If. . .], than in any such conflicted situation the Slavic forces on the other will too, because these are not two separate species -Buddhist Monks on the Ukraine Side and Werewolfs on the Russian.

They are all alike Men, mostly Slavic in origin in this instance, but men all the same -

Common Sense SHOULD tell them- but  it is not a quality much in evidence,  here in the U.K, at this Place and Time.


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