
(photo: The BBC's Ros Atkins - how does this blandly good-looking man sleep at night?)

OK, so maybe Zelensky is not a Hitler-Manqué - or Monkey, or whatever - 

( cf  https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=860333388698075&id=100041642648621 )

'William Scott Ritter Jr. (born July 15, 1961) is a former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer who served with the United Nations implementing arms control treaties, with General Norman Schwarzkopf in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and in Iraq, overseeing the disarmament of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), as a United Nations weapons inspector, from 1991 to 1998. He later became a critic of United States foreign policy in the Middle East.'

He sounds like he might know what he is talking about - I have just been listening to this podcast interview of his with Gonzalo Lira, who is actually living in Kharkov, hears the artillery fire every day, and also seems to know what he is talking about.

It pulled me up when Lira suggested that Zelinsky is surrounded by neo-nazi officials who have actually threatened to kill him if he backs down.

OK, it is a possibility, but then later on Lira asks Ritter what he would do if he was in overall Command of the Ukrainian Forces.

There is a lot of impressive sounding Military/Tactical stuff, but then Ritter said something incredibly interesting - he said that he would institute  a Night of the Long Knives - he said he would Arrest or Kill every last neo-nazi, Far Right etc Military Officer surrounding Zelensky and order the  neo-nazi battalions to obey overall command or face extinction (not his exact words, but something like that)

Ritter said that the neo-nazis may be incredibly brave fighters but are effectively losing the war for the Ukraine, and that the other Ukrainian Generals despise them.

Ritter also said this would be a very good political and propaganda ploy for the Ukraine and certainly it would give them an effective bargaining chip with Russia because it would show that they had denazifed themselves.

Source :- 


Now this all makes good sense if what we are looking at is a negotiated settlement and a cessation of hostilities, but here we come to how insidious, evil,  and ultimately destructive the Western MSM's across-the-board lying-in-unison is.

By dedicating itself from the outset to the straight out and obvious lie that there are is no neo-nazi military in The Ukraine, it cannot - or rather WILL not - now admit that there is and urge for a Settlement

( cf. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-60853404 )

And,believe me, these large Media Organisations are effectively psychotic - to Keep Up Appearances, they will just persist with the Lie even - as is looking increasingly likely - this conflict that the Ukraine is going to lose anyway carries on weeks or months longer than necessary with, of course, 

the proportionate loss of life that this will necessarily entail.

And, as Scott Ritter makes clear in the podcast, those lives will overwhelmingly be Ukrainian lives, as the Russians will not accelerate the operation, specifically in order to minimise their own losses.

I felt furious today walking up the street and seeing the Yellow and Blue flag flying outside the Town Hall, as is happening all over the U.K. , and the silly rich old man who must have lived through the last war and should know better driving his highly polished Vintage Car down the road with the crest emblazoned with the blue and yellow ribbons.

It simply means that the British Population at every level of supposed age, education, whatever, are incapable of not mixing self-righteousness and  ignorance with ultimately lethal sentimentality- but not lethal to THEMSELVES of course.

It also goes without saying that their utter stupidity in believing the most obvious and self-contradicting MSM lies is not something we should feel pity for, but cold contempt.

( And I used to feel a flush of pride watching the Last Night of the Proms etc)


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