Lies, damn lies and, er - more lies

On April 10th I put

 'I am just going to post up here the subsequent False Flags as soon as BBC News/ Guardian/SKY/ Telegraph whatever  posts them as 'real'.

What else can you do?

The only strategy one can think of is wearing people down with the predictability of it all.'

Source :-

So here goes - 

In fact, the BBC gathering them all up and putting them in one space :-

The Guardian,  along with the rest of them,  turning 'allegations' into headlines , in the conscious knowledge that the accusation will stick in the public mind  - of COURSE the Russians are not using Chemical Weapons- NATO  DID use Depleted Uranium - massively- in the Middle East.

That is not even up for debate.

SKY 'News' ditto :-

And finally the Telegraph, this isn't really a False Flag (needless to say, The Telegraph shared the above sh-sh-shi , er MENDACITIES,  in precisely similar fashion) just one of those stupid multifarious headlines designed to drip, drip, drip the Hate  -

That's it - gone through the sources name- checked at the beginning.

"I can take the Truth; it's the Lies that are killing me" - quote from Unknown Source

( Meanwhile  something that WASN'T a False Flag :-

'On October 3, a U.S. AC-130 gunship attacked a hospital run by Médecins Sans Frontières in Kunduz, Afghanistan, partially destroying it. Twelve staff members and 10 patients, including three children, were killed, and 37 people were injured. According to MSF, the U.S. had previously been informed of the hospital’s precise location, and the attack continued for 30 minutes after staff members desperately called the U.S. military.

The U.S. first claimed the hospital had been “collateral damage” in an airstrike aimed at “individuals” elsewhere who were “threatening the force.” Since then, various vague and contradictory explanations have been offered by the U.S. and Afghan governments, both of which promise to investigate the bombing. MSF has called the attack a war crime and demanded an independent investigation by a commission set up under the Geneva Conventions.'

Source :-


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