The one Country in Europe where the word Denazification truly applies

 I listened through this twice through this morning.

I never heard of Zumy before , he is everything an interviewer should be - calm, completely open minded and very concerned about verification/citation - he is checking all the way through.

As for Gonzalo Lira - I do not know where to begin - he is actually living in the Ukraine and genuinely risking torture and death.

He was non-political and simply a businessmen when the conflict started.

His early videos meant he had to flee Kiev merely because he was contradicting the propaganda about Russia 'targeting civilians.'

He is talking from Kharkov,  hearing the shells every day.

He explains the military reality, not MSM myth.

The Russia Ministry of Defence is simply not lying when it states its military objectives, and vital to that is defending the Donbass republics - which genuinely have been shelled constantly by the Ukrainian Battalions since the violent coup-d'etat of 2014, with a loss of 14-16000 civilians  - from the outright Ukrainian military invasion  planned for March. (When asked his sources - The Russian Ministry of Defence, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence, The Pentagon)

One thing it is important to understand is that the Ukrainians are not all one people - they are broadly Russian-speaking and Ukrainian -speaking, occupying different territories.

 But the Ukrainians have a visceral hatred of the Russian speaking people that is not reciprocated.

Before the conflict, Zelensky had banned the use of Russian as an Official Language, that is simple fact.

Lira emphasises at the end that everything he is saying can be verified by the listener.

We have to start accepting, those of us who can, that pretty much everything we are being told in the West about what is happening is a precise inversion of what is really happening.

I want people to listen to this partly because I want them to put themselves through the experience of listening to actual, easily verifiable reports- because filmed with the personnel and locations verified - of the torture and killing of 'pro-Russians' (everybody from a Mayor to Young Communists to even a Peace Negotiator, also Prisoners of War [shot in both knees and the groin and left to die, filmed as trophies by laughing soldiers] politicians and journalists.

The atrocities committed against civilians, it must be emphasised, are simply not 'equal on both sides'.

The Russians have no interest in 'occupying territory', use, in fact, far fewer armed soldiers than the Ukraine has, and are fighting a 'manoeuvre war'.

Unlike the United States repeatedly, they do not cease negotiations and start carpet bombing.

The other reason I would like people to listen is - Prediction again, but I hope to goodness it does not happen.

Russia not only has no Chemical Weapons (certified disposed of in 2017); it has no desire or need to use them.

One very obvious reason is that it wishes the Ukraine to be neutral, not something achieved by launching a chemical attack against its civilians.

The other is simply that, having sabotaged the Ukrainian Air and Sea cover in the first few hours and now having isolated the Ukrainian Army into pockets and preventing supplies of fuel coming through,   the result is a foregone conclusion unless - there is a False Flag attack that 'crosses NATOs Red Line' - which specifically has been named as Chemical Attack.

This is where the Western MSM comes in - for weeks now, the MSM has been providing a False Narrative that Russia is continually losing the War, becoming desperate and may well launch a Chemical Weapon attack in desperation.

There is absolutely no reason to keep on repeating the scare stories of possible Chemical Attack unless the Western Masses are being groomed for that as a possible option.

IF one Happens, two things will be undeniably true.

1. NATO and/or Ukraine carried it out.

2. The war will escalate massively.

Source :-


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