What Really Happened


[ addendum: MSM = Mainstream Media ]

I am going to tell you what has happened here.

I am not going to say 'in my opinion this is what has happened here' or 'there is another angle to this' - 

It is vitally important to declare this as Fact because the Truth has got to be conveyed to the maximum amount of people on the Western side of the divide - they are living within an MSM-generated lie and most of them will never get free from it simply because they don't want to.

So you have to post Predictions of what will be found out to be true anyway, because that will be the only way to convince SOME people, but no amount of actual evidence will alter the mindset of the majority, as they believe they know it all already, because the MSM informed them so -  and they are living in the Free West -  in a ludicrous self-affirming vicious cycle; plus one cannot overcome the Almighty Power of Cognitive Dissonance that is the effective Epitaph of the West.

 (The West will carry on in some form, not saying that, but it will be an increasingly dehumanised John-Lennon- style Dystopia )

The Bucha False Flag was botched. 

Most will still believe it on this side of the divide anyway, but as it was an entirely contrived non- event, the forensics simply will not stand up.

Now, what WASN'T planned but happened anyway was that a Ukrainian missile strike killed a lot of people and injured a lot of others at a Station at Kramatorsk.

The forensics will stand up for that because it really happened, and therefore the Usual Suspects have seen an ideal spontaneous opportunity do a proper, successful False Flag and BLAME THE RUSSIANS for it.

(Again, people in the West never use simple logic - if Russian Human Beings can be as Evil,  Unscrupulous, Barbaric etc as our forces of Propaganda keep on assuring us they are, then so can English,  American, Ukrainian etc Human Beings)

I am not declaring this as Fact because I have special outside sources of information - I wish I did.

It is simple deduction of the Obvious that anybody else could achieve if they looked at different sources and determined to look at everything critically.

So this is also partly a demonstration that ANYBODY can do it, they just have to make the the conscious choice and the effort.

As a specific demonstration, here is a link to a report on the bombing from the Western MSM outlet The Guardian' :- 


And here is a link to the "opposing" media - that is to say Russia Today - blocked on fb but you can find it for yourself - 


The point is that in fact The Guardian story confirms the details of the Russia Today story, but the headline TELLS you the Russians did it (the big propaganda error in my opinion is the Writing on the Shell-casing in Russian - 'For (our) children' - the Ukrainians, as always,  just HAD to go too far, just as Zelensky always does, but he gets a totally uncritical reception here) 

 And as I put elsewhere '

Of course, it doesn't stop our  babyish compromised puppet leaders acting out without bothering to verify any facts at all - this country is led from the top, for sure :-

Boris Johnson announces more weapons for Ukraine



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