Floyd vs. Frazier

The Floyd vs. Frazier Fight -

https://www.boxingnewsonline.net/on-this-day-joe-frazier-has-one-final-hurrah-against-musclebound-floyd-jumbo-cummings/ )

Anthony Frazier (51) wasn't a Career Criminal who OD'ed in a case that was clearly neither a homicide or racially motivated - we are talking about George Floyd here  :-

Frazier was a genuine homicide victim whose corpse was variously looted/ignored by the others :-


'Restaurant customers were surprised to learn of the killing. Regular Kam Kae told Channel 2 News: ‘[He’s] so attentive, he’s always watched the door. Why would somebody do that to him?’ [I personally NEVER ask  that question- why pretend things aren't that barkingly-psychotic where you happen to be residing, for goodness sake? I mean, where ELSE in the world does a Chicken Restaurant need a Security Guard? ]

Kae said Frazier used to sit in the ‘back booth every single day’ idn’t bother nobody.’ She also said the owners ‘hired security just heir safety, as well as, the consumers’ safety.’ '

Unfortunately for the posthumous memory of Mr. Frazier,  his  homicide has no 'symbolic' value to turn it into the crudest MSM psy-op in History.

The Anthony Frazier story has far more symbolic value as a reflection of what Western Society has degenerated into than the George Floyd psy-op, which is only symbolic of the pathological mindset that owns the Media as well as controls the finance and everything else in the Free  West.

From this perspective, it makes sense that Russia, in the current Psycho-NATO-induced conflict, has become the most ludicrously over-demonised nation in the entire history of MSM mendacity -



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