Is this too verbose for a meme? :/


• Guy Reid-Brown on April 19, 2022 at 2:58 pm

How in heck could Gonzalo Lira be a Russian Spy if he was openly broadcasting in the Ukraine and TELLING us he was in Kharkov?

One thing I have learnt since all this started is how the non ‘pro-Russian’ Ukrainians never stop lying.

It is as if it is their native language.

They lie broadly, badly, stupidly, incessantly – and the Western MSM simply regurgitate it all, that is why Ukrainian lies are so pathetic – they dont HAVE to be plausible.

They just have to be histrionic crap, like a bad Victorian melodrama written by an overimaginative 19th century schoolgirl.

‘Spy’ is someone who operates in secrecy by definition.

They don’t care- I presume everybody they murder, from Mayors to Young Communists they just call ‘Spy’ and then kill  them.

Source :-


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