If at first you don't succeed -


'The Holocaust memorial hoax was also promoted by Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin, who also circulated the fabricated story that Russia was using “mobile crematoriums” to hide war crimes.'

Source :- 

Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial “Unscathed” According to Israeli Journalist

Yet another fake news story exposed.


 1 month ago 


 3 March, 2022

Paul Joseph Watson

'British website The Telegraph is reporting that Russia is using mobile crematoriums in Ukraine in bid to hide its losses. But the accompanying video footage of a crematorium actually dates from 2013. It was posted by a Russian incinerator construction company and is not footage from the ground. The use of mobile crematoriums by Russians during the current war in Ukraine is yet to be verified. We tell you more in this edition.'

Source :' 
Is Russia using mobile crematoriums in Ukraine?

Issued on: 28/02/2022 - 22:50

The Daily Telegraph AGAIN :- 

'Follow live updates of our latest reporting and analysis.

Including, Russians using mobile crematoriums to cover up war crimes, claim Mariupol authorities.'

Source :- 

Update: just came across this - what the MSM is doing, and that means the entire Controlling Process, is ultimate Evil - there IS no low beneath which they will not Lie - 


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