False Flag Alert

 ANOTHER False Flag

False Flag

False Flag

False Flag

False Flag

False Flag

It doesn't matter how many times one repeats it.

It will ALWAYS work.

I am not at all sure that the unconscious stupidity of the THICKbrit public - because they WILL believe this False Narrative en masse -   is worse than the conscious evil of the  people who are creating these lies for mass consumption.

At least the latter have made a conscious decision to embrace evil and go down that path in conscious knowledge of what they are doing.

Perhaps there is a special circle in Hell reserved  for those who choose to remain ignorant when there is unprecedented access to information.


Dozens dead after rocket strike on railway station

'And I predicted exactly that when I wrote (many times) that as soon as the “the Ukies are kicking the Russkies’ ass” narrative becomes unsustainable, which it now has, it will be changed to “Russian atrocities”.'

Source :- 


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