'And the parting on the left Is now parting on the right'


(  And I tend to agree with 'Billy Shears' about what that Pete Townshend lyric is cunningly referring to 'in the know', but that is merely digression :)  )

Am not a great fan of the Hegelian Dialectic of Left vs. Right, recent utilisation of the terminology notwithstanding ( cf. 9 )

The 'Conservative Broadsheet' that is the Daily Telegraph ( 'The Daily Telegraph and Courier was founded by Colonel Arthur B. Sleigh in June 1855' - factoid) is REALLY tedious in its sensationalism, sentimentality and all round mendacity- more so than any other organ (ho-ho) , perhaps.

The Guardian and The Telegraph are held to represent - in U.K. terms , anyway - the Hegelian opposames of Left and Right - but their mendacities are alike as several peas-in-a-pod, as is only to be assumed given the monopolised MSM Ownership Pattern of the 'Free West' Press  - and it's the ASSUMPTION that infuriates so much, and especially please to witness this just received  from the Telegraph -  '
Colin Freeman
By Colin Freeman,

When a Kyiv shopping centre was hit by a missile on Sunday night, it was presumed at first to be yet more random Russian shelling of civilian areas'

See what I mean - they assume a Black Propaganda Lie (Russia's Politico/Military Strategy absolutely DEMANDS minimising civilian casualties,  even all else being equal) and assume - correctly - that most Ukay readers (possibly the least intelligent and discriminating  of all time, by all reasonable contemporary critetia) will believe it -

( Colin FREEman,  btw - was he TRYING to go for the ultimate ironic byline with a spectacularly gormless Given Name? :/ ) 


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