The West's Problem with Clueless Civilian Psychopaths - Suggestion for a Possible Workaround -

Good commentary here from Rixon Stewart, who also has ventured a prediction, and as he is ex- Rhodesian Special Forces, it's worth bearing in mind :-

'You don’t have to be psychic to see where this is heading. I’m not but I’m going to make a prediction and I’ll even specify a date. If the Biden administration insists on supplying Ukraine with longer-range missiles and if the West doesn’t relent then Russia will respond.

In or around the first week in August Russia will strike targets BEYOND UKRAINE. I don’t know precisely where but rail yards, weapons storage facilities, transport hubs and the like in countries neighbouring Ukraine could be targeted. So Poland and Slovakia could be hit, although Russia may spare Hungary, as it has not helped supply Ukraine with arms.'

Source  :-

A prominent MSM headline today [6/6/2022] synchronistically highlights this process of clueless and overpaid Western Civilians provoking Russia, and I am specifically referring here to the Corporate Dark Triad BBC in collusion with the Darkly Triadic individual Clown-Puppet Zelensky, who have come up with an extension of their weird, just plain WRONG, new 'tactic' of - what? Propaganda? If so, what is it supposed to do or achieve,  given that the result of the Russian Military Operation was a foregone conclusion -

That is to say, this idea of targeting and murdering high ranking Russian Officers and turning it into News Headlines.

'In March, an official within President Volodymyr Zelensky's inner circle told the Wall Street journal that a team of Ukrainian military intelligence officers had been tasked with locating and targeting Russia's officer class.

"They look for high profile generals, pilots, artillery commanders," the official said. They added that the officers were then targeted either with sniper fire or artillery.'

Source :-

Well, I hope the Russian Hierachy are taking note, and that they now act to shut this down completely and protect their Officer Class.

There are many 'High Profile' civilian individuals in influential positions in the West that are doing everything they can to prolong the conflict at no personal risk to themselves, and I believe now is the time to make it clear that, far from being 'safe' and miles away from the War Theatre that they delight in extending, they are now legitimate targets and cannot hide behind their status either as Politicians,  or as the license-funded Implementers of Fake 'News' Editorial Content aimed at killing Russians,  or any other similar category of 'Influencers', nuisances and passive-psychopaths.

As these are actively promoting the murder of Senior Russians, please Comrades, take the Gloves off- a few surgically-precise strikes against a few of these cowardly Pro-War Ghouls will shut the rest down, as they have none of the manly qualities of honour, courage, integrity and so forth.

Update - Zelensky is THE Psycho-Clown King :-  


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