As the last day of 'Pride Month' approaches-

 In the 1980s, when the Warsaw Pact under Russia was intact under Communism, this was how Republican President Ronald Reagan was typically portrayed.

Republicans were routinely called 'Hawks' and the Democrats were routinely called 'Doves'.

Watching the ITV reportage tonight, the Newscaster managed to 'blame' Donald Trump for the current situation in the very first sentence-off-the-autocue and later on, and the video  clip is included here, ITV's 'Europe Editor' explains that having Democrat Joe Biden as President has meant that this strong re-establishment of the American Presence in Europe has become feasible, but that the Leaders are worried what might happen if a Republican President like Donald Trump was elected in two years time.

Source :-

To compound this unamusingly bizarre Reversal,  on the hourly radio news bulletin today, we were informed that Boris Johnson had called in the House for more military spending and that 'Opposition Labour Agreed' - they then cued a soundbite of Deputy Labour PM Angela Rayner (Labour being the UK equivalent of the Democrats) not agreeing with Boris Johnson at all,  but actually attacking him for not going far enough - 'UK will have less troops, less planes, less ships under military spending plans' 

Back in the early 1980s I attended the  Glastonbury Festival, and the CND supporting Labour MP Joan Ruddock made a speech calling for the unilateral disarmament of NATO, on the clear understanding that Communist Russia would retain its full nuclear arsenal.

It is obvious what the major Reversal is here - with the dissolution of totalitarian Socialism in the East, the poles have reversed, and not just the Poles, and the 'values' Joe Biden talks of defending are those of Globalist Communistic Totalitarianism in the 'Woke' guise it has now adopted in the West.

Russia is now the Defender of the Christian Values that the ex-Western Civilisation, approaching the last day of its  'Pride Month',  was predicated upon.

It IS annoying that the Russians chose to deliberately bomb a crowded shopping centre in Kiev, though, and just that one particular civilian target - very peculiar behaviour, as it just so happened to coincide with a G7 Conference on that very subject, it achieved no military objective,  it plainly wasn't related to a general campaign of bombing civilian targets because Zelensky and the MSM  keep going on and on only about this one - the only POSSIBLE motive the Russians had,  therefore,  was to provide NATO with a simple-minded propaganda ploy - all that is necessary for its simple-minded Western Audience  -  just when it was most needed.

(Sinn Fein /IRA used to blow up civilians deliberately all the time, by the way,  but they won their political objectives, all their political prisoners - the people who actually did these things -  were released and the Americans poured thousands into their coffers via NORAID anyway.

Funny Old World, isn't it? ) 



  1. Or it could be, since the attack on the shopping center had no strategic value, that one of NATO's "dark teams" simply bombed the center to blame on the Russians and so deliver the propaganda necessary for NATO's G7 conference.


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