Olivia Rodrigo knows best!

 Zelensky - Check

Abortion - Check

Greta Thunberg - Check - 

Glastonbury this year was the Ultimate Huxleyan Totalitarian Mind Control Wokefest (  cf. that 1930s novel's  prediction of Pop Festivals as instruments of Mass Mind Control ) whereby the ubiquity of (expletives) and the Ritual Incitement of juvenile mob-hatred mixed with 'girls and womens bodies' radical-robot jargon demonstrates how superficially but effectively controlling that technocratic strategy - wherein people are made to love and embrace their servitude via hedonism - has become - 


'To close, Thunberg embraced the spirit of her first Glastonbury, leading her very own rockstar chant; “when I say climate, you say justice!”

Before her set, big screens implored Glastonbury goers to reuse, reduce and recycle, as well as showing promotional footage from Greenpeace, Oxfam and CND, all prominent sponsors of the event.'

CND - the Campaign for Unilateral Disarmament?

Well, THAT'S ironic (not).

The SAME controlling force -  the one that dictates NATO strategy  every bit as much as 'rebellious' juvenile Social Engineering -  a couple of days later was utilising the 'Russian Threat' Zelensky keeps grandstanding in his pre-recorded Glasto-style messages as the very pretext to get the public to accept a further increase of the mass spending of Debt-Money on the military and weaponry that Thunberg and Emily Eavis completely failed to mention :- 


Still - no such boring and windy argumentation can ever hope to have the persuasive effect on the Collective Mind as when 'the former Disney star turned pop sensation Olivia Rodrigo [HEEEY - just like Miley Cyrus, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears - well THERE'S a coincidence!] -  defiantly addressed the five justices who voted to overturn Roe vs Wade by name, telling them: “We hate you.” She then invited the British pop singer Lily Allen on stage and together they sang a song dedicated to the Supreme Court. It was Allen’s 2009 hit “F*** You”, which encouraged the vast audience to hold their middle fingers aloft.'


What a touching gesture - it quite makes me want to reframe my inhumane and reactionary distate for the Medical Culling of Babies in the womb by qualified professionals trained to uphold life.

As , indeed, the Hippocratic Oath has been 'reframed' to exclude the bit about Doctors not participating in Abortions - 

Olivia Rodrigo knows best!


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