'You don't have to be Nostradamus' part 2

 Back on 31st March, I put -

'One thing is clear - Zelensky, who has done nothing but urge on a Fight to the Finish, which was always a foregone conclusion, will in time become the most hated man in the Ukraine.

Or he would be if he was living in the Ukraine, which he isn't.

His reward will be the wealthy retirement abroad which was already arranged for him before the first day of the deliberately provoked Military Operation.

And it is a Military Operation, not an Invasion.'


I know I am Preaching to the Choir here, but the average British Civilian needs to know that the Truth is NOT a Moving Target and that on this basis events can fairly be predicted.

All that is required is to completely disregard cognitive dissonance.

(Which apparrently is nigh on impossible for most)

And it only alienates the THICKbrits - er, sorry - 'British Civilians' - further if one constantly refers to them as being Thick.

The idea is to try and explain things slowly to them and with constant repetition as if they were a four-year- old child with Attention Deficit Disorder -

And then give up and go to the pub anyway, as it won't make a blind bit of difference- they know they know everything because the B.B.C. told them -

'If Ukraine is winning the war with Russia, then why are key people in President Zelensky’s inner circle buying houses in Switzerland?. . . Most of these homes were purchased just BEFORE Russia began its Special Military Operation into Ukraine.'

Source :-


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