

('Impartiality? What's that?')

In Britain now, and for a long time, only one narrative is permitted on any MSM-selected topic of any major importance - obviously this applies to the BLM/George Floyd narrative, obviously Ukraine, and very obviously, yesterday,  Abortion.

Yet it is literally a Matter of Life and Death by the million,  whereby balanced coverage could not be more important.

Placed where I am I cannot avoid Daytime TV,  much as I would love to, so could not avoid the mass-rating genuinely populist behemoths such as 'This Morning' and 'Loose Women',  wherein studios full of up to six Talking Heads blah-blah-blah on any topic splashed across the screen.


Every single self-righteous know-nothing on 'This Morning' - including ex-Conservative 'Thatcherite' MP  Gyles Brandreth, a man who has achieved the impressive feat of becoming stupider as he gets older - were deploring the 'Horror' of Roe vs. Wade being overturned.

Brandreth 'blamed' Donald Trump (whilst praising Obama) so blackmailable Anchor-who-got-away-with-it Philip Schofield jumped in with 'so it's Donald Trump's legacy?', as if he were talking about Stalin or Atilla; some other clone just HAD to go into cliché mode - 'institutionalised misogyny' (why - do only female babies get killed in Western Abortions, China-style?) and Holly the Dimwit Anchorette produced a non-qualified nonsense statistic that 'in Louisiana a person found performing an abortion will get 15 years in prison, whilst a man who rapes a woman will only get five' (this provoked the  'institutionalised misogyny' line)

Even in Louisiana, the sentence will vary depending on roughly a million factors, but none of the Viewing THICKbrit  Public would have factored that in,  just Bought the Line -  Holly is the Dimbo who cried and they had to go on an advertising break because of an innocent little Uki girl singing a soppy song going viral and helping prolong the conflict - just as well the little darling made it that far without her mother exercising her Right to Healthcare, isn't it ? 

But Institutional-Leftwits don't 'do' joined-up thinking like that.

'Loose Women's Screen Banner on the topic was even the Ukro-style 'Dumb Outrageous Lie' - in this case, 'Roe vs. Wade: America makes abortion illegal'.

And on there was the eejit from 'Family' Group The Nolans wittering on about the plight  of 16 year old girls in Texas being impregnated via incest.

The license-funded BBC has a 'Duty of Impartiality',  so they at least could have bothered speaking in depth to ONE PERSON who could provide the other side - the most effective being this WOMAN, of the FEMALE gender, as most of the most effective pro-LIFE  Campaigners are  - but of course, they didn't bloody bother, because Leftwits loathe Impartiality like a vampire dreads the daylight :- 



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