Where's Sid James when you need him?


Not at all unexpected.

The timing is immaculate.

All this would have been avoided if the THICKbrits had followed mine and Bismark's long-standing advice - 

'The secret of Politics? Make a good Treaty with Russia.'

It's lonely being a Putin-era Russophile in a dictatorship that is so dim its inhabitants think they are Free, and feel sorry for the Russians - currently enjoying the strongest currency in the world.

Oh, and of course - the sanctions!

Because China is going to be ruthless, they do not have Russia's Christian restraint - having lived through the era of 'Carry on at your Convenience' - one of the best and most underrated of the Carry Ons, which accurately details how the THICKbrits systematically destroyed their own manufacturing industry - I am curious as to whether the THICKbrits will impose sanctions on China, bearing in mind that something like 90% of their consumer goods, including this phone,  are imported from there.

Interesting times- but blummen irritating if you happen to be stranded in THICKbrit-land

Sauce :- 

CCP Issues 'National Mobilization Order" Instructing "Switch to Wartime Operations"



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