Well, even Cassandra probably got it wrong once or twice 😕

 I rather like my immediately previous Post, it felt inspired and prophetic and came together in an almost Yeatsian way - however, its dire predictions -  'By the end of this year, Britain will be suffering under the worst Depression in living memory, worse even than the 1930s, not least as a result of acute Food Shortages, the breakdown of the extended family and local neighbourhoods, plus Synagogue-of-Satan inspired moral turpitide in general' etc  -  may yet prove to be a little off the mark.

This is from the very latest post, via Henry Makow, on the excellent Truthseeker Website :-

'Paul Craig Roberts –“The powers that rule us have recognized that Washington is unprepared and unfit for a wider war and have ordered the New York Times to bring the situation under control" etc - 

Source :-

Headlines: May 26 – Satanists Have Met Their Match in Putin

So, with this in mind, I scanned the THICKbrit MSM headlines and commented along these lines

And The Guardian also acknowledges things are going well for Russia, albeit accompanied by the usual crass Ukrainian lies (How do you know when a Ukrainian 'spokesperson' is lying? He/she puts words together that form a sentence ) :-

'Ukrainians burying civilians in mass graves as Russia advances
Russia has reportedly taken Lyman, which would make it easier for it to isolate key city of Sievierodonetsk' - blahblah -



(The Guardian, I noticed - self-described 'World's leading Liberal Voice' -  is still casting around looking for s**t designed to make you hate the Russians with all the psycho-ferocity of a Ukro-nazi, though  :-  - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/25/russian-mercenaries-accused-over-use-of-mines-and-booby-traps-in-libya )

I simply have this to say -

You f******g liars - you aren't even good at it.

Liars are supposed to remember their previous lies -you know, Russia's permanent defeat, leading to the nightmare of possible Nuclear /Chemical attack, compulsory conscription amongst Retired Veterans in Moscow etc.

But the British MSM don't have to be remotely clever.

Thankfully, the THICKbrits - and The Guardian and Telegraph readerships represent the 'Educated' upper echelons of the Left and Right THICKbrits respectively - believe everything they are told at the time, even it directly contradicts what they were told the day before.

The BBC News is being seriously weird, though -

'Russia cannot win the war but President Putin will not seriously negotiate until he realises that, says German Chancellor Olaf Scholz'

Source :- 

And to think a previous German Chancellor - one Otto Von Bismark - stated that The Secret of Politics was - 'Make a Good Treaty with Russia'.

You don't get men with characters and brains like that any more, West of the East, that is to say - "

And then straight after reading that, I received another impressively cheering story via The Blaze.

Now, some time ago, said Truthseeker Website was postulating Elon Musk as the Anti-Christ, but I couldn't find the article, so it might have been pulled.

Anyway, I am not naturally an Optimist,  but there may be even more Good News, and it looks to me as if Elon Musk may be shaping up to be a really sterling Anti-Antichrist type instead.

It wouldn't surprise me - as a Fellow-Aspergic, although one considerably lower down the Social Scale, I know the reversals of perception and the contradictions that come with the territory - as well as the essential decency of all us Aspergics ☺ 

Source :-

'Elon Musk: Gun Ownership 'an Important Safeguard against Tyranny of Government'

Tech entrepreneur says he supports Second Amendment rights'

So all in all, this is definitely a Two-Post Day, as Sherlock Holmes might have said if he typey-typed a 'blog instead of going out Super-sleuthing.

However, if everything does go thingies-up and the worst-case scenario unfolds, at least I will have the consolation of the remaining THICKbrit population recognising what an extraordinary Prophetic Genius they have - or once had - amongst their number.

Win-win, I'd say ☺ 

[ Update - I may still be able to secure my reputation as a Cassandra-for-all-Seasons, even if there might be the occasional slip up.

Back on 31st March 2022 I put :-

'One thing is clear - Zelensky, who has done nothing but urge on a Fight to the Finish, which was always a foregone conclusion,  will in time become the most hated man in the Ukraine.

Or he would be if he was living in the Ukraine, which he isn't.

His reward will be the wealthy retirement abroad which was already arranged for him before the first day of the deliberately provoked Military Operation.'  ( https://csarlog.blogspot.com/2022/03/a-word-to-wise-or-even-average-briton.html?m=1 )

The desperation in Zelensky's comments to the WEF ( Puppet-Master Central ) at this critical juncture is palpable : -

Day 91: Russia says ready to set up humanitarian corridor for ships leaving Ukraine

Wednesday, 25 May 2022 9:43

That is a man who knows he is lined up to be the Number One Villain in the eyes of the Ukrainian population once the smoke has settled- the corollary of Selling his Soul to play the role of the Number One Hero.

Of course, he is nowhere near the top of the villainous hierchy that has been overseeing all this, but he should have taken a lesson from the Russian Political Playbook and examined all the potential outcomes first.

And then accepted his then-current status as an apparently popular,  and even at that level well-paid - albeit rather crude and disgusting - Entertainer. ]


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