Welcome to Ground Zero


Back in late-February, early-March, in the early days of the Ukraine Conflict, a friend of long-standing British Intelligence connections emailed me that the Rothschilds wanted WW3.

It didn't appear too obvious at that stage, but now . .

Anyway, this morning here in England I passed the Village Hall which, even though the Queen's Platinum Jubilee is being celebrated next week  ( Imagine - a National Celebration of 75 years of the most disastrous, because terminal, reign in British History ) was flying the Blue and Yellow Flag of the Ukraine as opposed to the Union Flag.

This struck me as being neatly symbolic, because , of course, these are the precise colours, the precise shades, of the House of Rothschild.

( an excellent presentation on this here:-

By the end of this year, Britain will be suffering under the worst Depression in living memory, ( worse even than the 1930s, not least as a result of acute Food Shortages, the breakdown of the extended family and local neighbourhoods, plus Synagogue-of-Satan inspired moral turpitide in general) Riots, and even more Mass Immigration, whilst up and down the country right now, in public places of all descriptions - Supermarkets, Churches, Town Halls - and in Private Homes, the British are displaying the colours of their putative Destroyers.

I always feel uncharitable when describing my fellow Countrymen and women as THICKbrits, but what else can you do?

You want to help rescue them, you want them to rescue themselves, but if you presented them with all the evidence of everything they would simply ignore it because it was not broadcast on the BBC, or SKY - or any of the other interchangeable MSM outlets.

You can lead a THICKbrit to water, but you certainly won't get it to drink, even as the Desert of Death encroaches on its severely limited horizons.

A very relevant post, Les Visible's latest -

"Throw the Bag Into The Ocean of Forgetfulness; Not to be Confused With The Pools of Deep Memory."


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