Trust the Science!

 Am double-vaxxed myself (necessity for continued employment) so have no Dog in this Horse-Race, but keep this for ammunition for whenever you get 'accused' of being an 'Anti-vaxxer' - one of those labels, like 'Right Wing' or 'Reactionary' which, as applied by a 'Liberal' (another word Leftists have managed to usurp for their own Evil Semantic Purposes, by the way 😉) is an assumed indictment as opposed to merely a description of another's viewpoint.

From the excellent Truthseeker website :-

Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead… Now Facing Criminal Charges

There is little to add to this except to link to a straightforward, unadorned biographical entry that, by virtue of mere functionality, lays fairly devastating waste to the pro-vaxxer's carefully calibrated 'arguments' - 'you are Bad, Wrong and Dangerous, and that's all there is to it' (probably 'Right-Wing and Reactionary' too, but I am not going to labour the point about the bizarre conflation between Globalist Fake-Science and Leftist Fake-Rationality, except here - and now, of course -  but honestly, let's just leave that aside
😕 )

Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro Net Worth

Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro biography

Although I feel impelled to point out in particular two bites of information that Up the 'devastating'-ante to positively plutonium levels -

Firstly, money being the purest measure of Acknowledged Worth in any Field of Endeavour, but most especially in the realm of Big Pharma -

'What is the salary of Jose Faro?

As the President, Chief Executive Officer, and Executive Chairman of the Board of Pharma Mar SA, the total compensation of Jose Faro at Pharma Mar SA is $1,567,000. There are no executives at Pharma Mar SA getting paid more.'

And secondly -

' The company also develops clinical-stage programs, including PM184 and PM14. In addition, it develops and markets diagnostics kits' 

Okaaaayyy - like the one I was availing myself of only yesterday morning to prove to Work that I am not infected by, what was it? -  oh, yes -  Covid - that's it!

It was negative, by the way - as you can imagine, being double-vaxxed an' all, that was immensely reassuring - I feel safer than ever ☺ 


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