There is Dumb, and then there are Press Secretaries

 'And it’s a bit of a head-scratcher why you would use a hypersonic against a building,” said Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby.'

EVERYTHING is a 'bit of a head-scratcher' to THICKOwesterners.

They even communicate in dead clichés like that at the highest Official Level

Foreigners speak better English than THICKbrits and THICKamericanos do.

This is where all that deliberate Globalist wreckage of Education in the Free West implodes on itself.

Year Zero for Britain was 1966, when overnight the excellent Selective Education System was replaced by the Made-to-Fail Socialist Comprehensive System.

Something like that obviously happened in the USA.

The result of all that is that NATO is hopelessly behind in Weapons Technology even as it is piling Arms and Troops all along Russia's Borders for maximum provocation.

Blummen Heck,  I am diagnosed Aspergic/Dyspraxic which means I have real comprehension problems.

If I can see all that immediately, and life has positioned me as a Domestic Assistant on near minimum wage,  why cannot highly qualified and lavishly remunerated Press Secretaries and so forth? 


Putin’s New Stunner! As US Struggles, Russia Announces Developing ‘Next-Gen’ Mach 10 Hypersonic Missiles


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