'Thank you for believing women'


'Stupid' is not seeing a pattern in MSM Fake News Memes where there clearly is one, from Gun Rampages by 'Far Right' Lone White Teenagers who make sure they post up/broadcast a detailed explanatory Manifesto beforehand, to 'Russian attacks on Hospitals, Schools and Nurseries' to  'Allegations of sexual misconduct' made by Leftist/Feminist Activists against Assumed Conservatives.

From BBC 'News'  :- 

(But is accused in the Headline anyway.)

Whether by accident or intent, the BBC News Story informs the Reader just exactly what the motivation is here :-

'Mr Musk told Business Insider its article was a "politically motivated hit piece". . . He had used the social media site to announce he "can no longer support" the Democratic Party on Wednesday, saying he plans to vote for Republicans in future elections."

The story also demonstrates Elon's calm ability to shut down BS - he 'challenged her to verify the claims by describing his intimate body parts.'

That isn't going to happen.

The first case of this kind I was aware of was back in 1991, which occurred as a direct result of President Ronald Reagan nominating the first Conservative Black Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas.

The accuser was Anita Hill, ( 'Anita Faye Hill (born July 30, 1956) is an American lawyer, educator and author. She is a professor of social policy, law, and women's studies at Brandeis University and a faculty member of the university's Heller School for Social Policy and Management. ) obviously lying her head off, a fact demonstrated conclusively, to me anyway, by the ludicrous theft of the line from 'The Exorcist' , "Is this a pubic hair in my coke?'.

Judge Clarence was appointed anyway, but far from being put On Trial for False Accusation, Anita Hill has exploited even the fact that she lost the case, and Clarence Thomas has to live with the Psycho-Left MSMs Assumption of his  Guilt :-

How Anita Hill’s Testimony Made America Cringe—And Change

 See also :-

Anita: Speaking Truth to Power

In fact, as the first article demonstates, not only did the exact same pattern repeat itself when anti-abortion Conservative Brett Kavanagh was nominated for the Supreme Court, but Anita Hill endorsed the similarly politically (as in Leftist) motivated attempt to destroy a heterosexual family man's life -

'For her part, Hill wrote in the New York Times about the high stakes that accompany the Kavanaugh hearings, and her advice for how the Senate Judiciary Committee could handle them differently than in 1991.'

In that article, Hill writes:

'The facts underlying Christine Blasey Ford’s claim of being sexually assaulted by a young Brett Kavanaugh will continue to be revealed as confirmation proceedings unfold. Yet it’s impossible to miss the parallels between the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing of 2018 and the 1991 confirmation hearing for Justice Clarence Thomas.'

Precisely - Hill has accurately described the unscupulous modus operandi of Feminist Activists like herself,  whilst making a false sexual allegation against a married man for a second time ('the facts')

And getting clean away with it, of course.

Heterosexual Julian Assange is proof that it is not merely bona-fide Conservatives that exist in danger of  unscrupulous Leftofemmes attempting to destroy their lives; one of his Accusers possesses the classic CV -

'The event organizer was 31-year-old Anna Ardin, press secretary of the Brotherhood Movement, which is an adjunct of the Social Democratic Party. Ardin, who has been described as a feminist, leftist and animal rights activist, previously worked at the Uppsala University, handling equality issues for the students’ union.'

Read more at:

But those on the Left are not safe either in the #metoo-fostered climate whereby the  female Accuser is guaranteed anonymity and the inalienable Right to 'be believed', whilst the heterosexual male Accused is guaranteed Headlined notoriety :-

'A second member of the Labour Party has died after apparently taking his own life amid allegations of sexual misconduct.'

Source :-


I looked up what happened to the other Accusers - Christine Blasey Ford, according to Wiki, remains in gainful employment :-

Christine Margaret Blasey Ford (/ˈblɑːzi/ BLAH-zee;[2] born November 1966)[3] is an American professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine.[4] She specializes in designing statistical models for research projects.[5] During her academic career, Ford has worked as a professor at the Stanford University School of Medicine Collaborative Clinical Psychology Program.[6]

Anna Ardin, unsurprisingly, has had a book published glorifying her own perfidiousness - and equally predictably, as with everything else in Leftworld, the blurb states the exact opposite of the Truth :-

In the Shadow of Assange
Is a testimony of a decade in the shadow of the heroic myth Wikileaks and Assange built around his persona.
It’s an appeal for female rights –
which so often are considered secondary to things labeled more important."

If whoever this Genius is (Ardin herself?) had written 'It's an appeal for female rights - to which everything else is always considered secondary no matter how devastating the consequences may be to the Accused' she might have set some sort of record for a Feminist Activist actually writing something approaching veracity.

Source :- 


But that is the Feminist mentality for you - always condemning non-feminist women for 'exploiting their sexuality', always simultaneously exploiting their own sexuality to nefarious ends.

In fact, BBC News provides a classic example of this today- one of those ludicrously unself- aware nutso-femmes who conflate flashing their boobs with Feminist Activism, kind of like Germaine 'Female Eunuch' Greer used to back in the 1960s ; there is a massive amount of evidence for appalling sexual assaults commited by Ukro-fascists, but this story gives the BBC more opportunity for the drip-drip-drip of Black Propaganda in the lead-up to WW3 :-

'Ukrainian authorities have said they're investigating cases of women being raped by Russian forces during their occupation of parts of the country' (a sure sign that the Ukrainian authorities are lying - they spoke words that put together form a sentence)



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