Selective Compassion is Psychopathology

     ( Always money for Wars and 'Conferences') 

 Ha ha, love this guy!

It is a very simple, straightforward explanation – honestly, the BBC, SKY, all the other Rolling News outlets we have here in the UK ought to be interviewing him to ‘get the other side’ which is what these people always claim to attempt – they are not supposed to be supporting authentic neo-nazi rapists.

A significantly disproportionate amount of UK Broadcast ‘News’ is ‘Womens Issues’, and at a visual estimate at least 90% of the Anchors and Journalists are women; they were even trying to get ‘Rape Culture’ as a label affixed to the entire heterosexual male population of the UK a while back.

Women in the Media are far more subjective, hysterical, irrational and all the other ‘sexist assumptions ‘ us ‘gammons’ make than ordinary working women are.

They try far too hard to look and sound authoritative; the effect is immediately ameliorated by the expensive Hair and layered on make-up which screams ‘I am insecure’. –

The Real Women of Eastern Europe should be interviewed on there, too – not the semi-hysterical skinny Drama Queens they like to dig up.

THEY wouldn’t put up with any nonsense from the bourgeois Media-femmes ☺

2022.05.25 There Will Be No Insurgency In Ukraine Against Russia

by Gonzalo Lira |

(At this juncture, I am not even going to mention the Wimmin of the Media's titanic indifference to the plight of the less fortunate, not to say, considerably younger, in fact minor, Members of the Sisterhood in Northern Towns - apart from here, of course; how many years was it they were allowed to get away with it?  :- ) )


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