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Next Year in St. Petersburg!


Ha ha, this is brilliant!

I doubt very much that there are Putin Agents working Deep State in the West co-ordinating this, but then I suspect the writer himself is quietly amusing himself with that speculation.

It is a demonstration, to me anyway, that God is to be taken seriously and that by rejecting both Him and His Laws – which are simply designed to facilitate healthy and harmonious Life as opposed to creating a Death-centred Culture (Evil is Live backwards) Russia is assuming the role predicted for it in the tradition of both Orthodox Christian and Russian Folk Prophecy.

Steiner, too, saw the Slavic people as the next stage in human spiritual evolution and interpreted Communism as an attempt to forestall this.

Our own Les Visible also sees Mr. Apocalypse/Collective Karma as being at work in this.

Key quote :-

‘The process was helped by the sheer ludicrousness of various developments in the West: cancel culture, MeToo, LGBT, child sex change operations, promotion of pedophilia and all the rest, which produced a wave of revulsion. This 180º reversal, from overwhelmingly pro-Western opinions of the early 1990s to the current situation, are a crowning achievement of the entire three-decade-long Deep State campaign to Make Russia Great Again (MRGA).’

Next Year in St. Petersburg! ☺ 

Source :- 

The Secret American Plan to Make Russia Great Again

By Dmitry Orlov for the Saker Blog


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