Keep these links on record!

('Orla Guerin' - if you are unfortunate enough to live in the UK, you will have been watching her on BBC news for about the last 18 decades, reporting from 'Trouble Spots' all over the world - read her 'analysis' of the Ukraine conflict linked to here, where she is supposedly physically located. She actually receives Awards for getting everything spectacularly wrong -

It is all because she doesn't wear make up and puts on that 'authoritative' voice they all do - the THICKbrit viewers lap this stuff up.

What we need is a Dolly Parton lookalike with full wig, rhinestones, big bust and twangy southern accent - as long as she made the effort to find out what was actually going on and reported it straight-  which a BBC correspondent is incaple of doing, they can't take a piss without checking first which angle of the agenda the act and direction of 
urination should be advancing -  she would educate the British Public - at least on this issue and to whatever extent they can be made to understand anything - and thus achieve more in five minutes than the BBC has managed since 1922)

[Sorry about that  - that started out merely as a photo caption, which it still is, but it got a little over- extended]

Anyway,  I just saw this on the Truthseeker website and . . nothing will 'wake up' the average Westerner, but even so - it is absolutely bloody horrific and, unlike the maniacal Russophobic Atrocity-porn that the entire UK MSM feeds up daily like a two month old regurgitating it's breakfast rusk, it is documented horrific truth :- 

Impunity Of Ukrainian Militants Contribute To Flourishing Anarchy (Photos 18+, Video)

Meanwhile, this is what got me off on one concerning  Oral Griffin or whatever her name is - if the THICKbrits BOTHERED to think back to what they were reading and listening to only last March, they might realise what utter crapola The BBC and The Guardian etc are spewing forth all the time (seem to be getting me orifices mixed up, but never mind ) -

Russia’s ‘cauldron’ tactic may be tipping Donbas battle in its favour

And all of us in this country are facing the prospect of the worst Recession/Depression/Societal Collapse in living memory later this year because most of us are too stupid to breathe, too pathetic to think outside the Groupthink, too lynch mob-minded not to believe the endless Russophobic Atrocity Porn, and too sentimental not to allow the entire way we view major International events to be influenced by twee girls singing Ukrainian Folk Songs or whatever -

Update :-

Simply more examples if the MSM 'changing the narrative' en bloc -


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