Born in Enemy Territory


Excellent article, except that the author does not appear to realise that Le Pen got many more votes than Macron in the French Election.

It certainly is the War between Good and Evil, with the West being the Whore of Babylon, controlled by the Synagogue of Satan :-

The Jewish Hand in World War Three

Thomas Dalton – The Unz Review May 18, 2022

The Book of Revelation has been there as a Cultural and Literary Artefact all our lives, referenced copiously in books and films and embedded in language and metaphor.

We just happen to be living in its unfolding.

The Author writes that perhaps the European populations ‘deserve all this’ and in fact this is a central theme in the Book of Revelation.

They have brought it on themselves by the lifestyles they have chosen to embrace.

What I am saying is that the very reason that The Book of Revelation is embedded in the mainstream consciousness is because it is a metaphysical narrative from Ancient Times which also directly states that it is a Prophetic Vision of the process that is to unfold.

I, personally, am not overjoyed that I am stranded on the wrong side in the Conflict.


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