Blood on their lily-white hands

It is bad for my health, this decision to daily scan the BBC 'News' Headlines online.

I feel duty-bound to do it, because I feel duty-bound to find out What-Line-Is-Being-Fed-to-the-Public-Today - and as the BBC is funded by a compulsory Tax, is accorded an Official Status as 'The Nation's Broadcaster', and has always been the Propaganda Mouthpiece of the UK branch of GloboTotalitarian Psycho Inc.,  I have just imposed this vile duty on myself once more.

The 'Texas Shooting' is still there at Number One in the 'MostRead by the BrainDead' Charts, but in at number 11 is Brazil, with its 'Far-Right' (Code for happens-to-be-white-not-Libyan-or-Tanzanian-but-still-annoys-the-Globalists) President who just happens to be facing a tough election fight in October.

'The incident has led to widespread condemnation across Brazil, with many criticising the police's alleged actions as an act of racism. The incident happened on the two-year anniversary of the killing of George Floyd, a black man, by police in the United States.'

Source :-

Brazilian man allegedly gassed to death in police car boot

Published6 hours ago

Is it even worth pointing out what is going on here, with the semaphore-signaled George Floyd Anniversary reference?

If you are an Ordinary member of the Public, as opposed to an 'Elite' psycho, you will either see through this straight away, or believe it implicitly if you are an Ordinary Person but Lost Forever in Mind Control Wonderland, or else choose to 'believe' it with the passion of a thousand suns if you are a Doublethink Leftist, whilst knowing in yourself that it is Agenda Driven - YOUR Agenda.

The latter are the most dangerous outside of The Synagogue of Satan themselves, albeit a great deal stupider.

Because although there is no point in labouring what is behind this typically contrived piece of 'News'-garbage, it is worth taking this opportunity to spotlight the Doublethink capacity of the Psycho-Left, not least because they happen to be the ideological muppet-puppets who are gifted 
the Money and the Cultural Control by the 'Elite' to impose their Satanic Reversal of All Values (Family Bad/ Illegitimacy Good, Independence Bad /Globalism Good , Baby-culling Good / Pro-life Bad, make your own list)

Doublethink, because I do not really believe that the vast majority of the Leftablishment, mostly middle class and with a 'higher' education, do not in their deeper selves know that their entire World-Construct is based on lying to themselves and other people all the time.

And I do not believe that these, the mouthpieces of the MSM, are not at least unconsciously aware that the very real violence, rioting, murder and destruction of property and lives that they are directly responsible for in any Westernised country they operate within and which incorporates a sizeable black population, and especially via Media psy-ops like this one,  is not their own very real responsibility.

In other words, there is blood, MUCH blood, on their lily-white hands.

But there it is - that weasel-word 'racism' has been elevated to the single most lethal and effective Word of Power in the Free West.

For myself, I have only one very real prejudice - there is one section of the World's population that I believe is absolutely the lowest and most despicable, and it is not even the obvious Players - the Satanic Elite, Synagogue of Satan, call them what you will.

THEIR Evil is of the pure existential variety - theological in its dimensions, a love of Power, the destruction of lives en masse, and a full manifestation of all the basest human instincts as an End in Itself.

No, it is, rather, the type of the White, College/University Educated Bourgeois Leftist.

People who speak and write professionally in cotton-wool jargon, almost always with Degrees of little or no practical value, mediocre in their own life trajectories,  yet exceedingly destructive in the most insidious way of all - that of the internal parasite.

(When they are not Cotton-wooling, of course, they are frequently prone to astonishing acts of verbal and physical violence , cf. -

I have even wasted time which I had productively been spending on learning Grammar ('English Grammar for Students of Russian - 2nd Edition') in order to Testify in almost Evangelical-style to the Evil of this latest piece of BBC Dark Mischief 
within its own chronological framework.

Thus further delaying my own extended efforts towards 'getting out of here', changing the Setting, and thus relieving oneself of the burden of somehow feeling impelled to Bear Witness.

Next Year in St. Petersburg! 🇷🇺 ☺ 

Update 28/05/23 :-

Mystery solved. This is why the BBC are doing this :- 

The only stupid question is the one that is never asked.

And the great mass of the MSM consuming Public in the UK simply never ask themselves the basic questions like 'why is the BBC creating headlines out of the sort of random incidents in far off countries that must occur  hundreds of times a day all over the world?'

It isn't their fault.

They simply have never been provided the sort of enlightened and rigorous education that would have required no additional expense over the millions that have been expended on State Education since the 1960s.

All - quite - deliberate.


  1. excellent incisive and accurate thanks


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