When you have nothing to lose by telling the Truth -


A point that should be too obvious to make, but is never going to be made in the Western MSM (the Daily Telegraph is informing me this morning about 'Putin's Weaponised Lies' - thank you for making up my mind for me again,  as ever)  is that the population of the  United States could never be united behind Biden as the people behind him - unscrupulous Globalists - had to steal the Election for him :-

'There is an air of desperation in Washington. Besides trying ban all things Russian, the Biden Administration is trying to bully China, India and Saudi Arabia. I do not see any of those countries falling into line. I believe the Biden crew made a fatal mistake by trying to demonize all things and all people Russian. If anything, this is uniting the Russian people behind Putin and they are ready to dig in for a long struggle.'

Source :-


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