The Female of the Species (never shuts up about it if she is on the 'progressive' side of politics)

And this one was definitely Deadlier than the Male - if he was an experienced Four Star American General who had actually Fought in Battle, that is - 

Obituary: Madeleine Albright, the first female US secretary of state' 

(And? Was she any good at her job? )

Anyway, link to the obituary:-

The BBC  - the 'Nation's Broadcaster' - being of that glazed, distant (polite way of suggesting outright pathological)  mindset that characterises vast media organisations, appears to judge personalities on whether or not they are ideologically correct, and if they are, they will elevate them to the ranks of the Good and Great.

Whatever horrendous Crimes against Humanity they have actually committed in their lives and careers are of no relevance at all in this context :-

'She threw herself into work, becoming a professor of international affairs at Georgetown. As faculty, she made her students role-play foreign policy situations. She made a point of putting women into the male-dominated roles, teaching them the importance of speaking up and interrupting to have their voices heard.

"My classes may have been a little boisterous," she wrote in her memoir. "But the women learned and the men got used to it".

You go, Girl!

The obituary concludes with a gratuitous anti-Trump slur which, as well as highlighting the State Broadcaster's characteristic disregard of its own Code of Impartiality, states the precise opposite of perceivable truth, given that the Election was stolen for Biden ( )- 'In 2018, aged 81, she published Fascism: A Warning in which she decried what she saw as a rise of authoritarianism across the globe. While promoting it around the world, she repeatedly described Donald Trump as the "least democratic" president the US had ever seen.

She died surrounded by her family, aged 84, and is survived by her three daughters and her grandchildren.'

( In fact, her most famous quotation is quite missing from the obituary-

Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.

—60 Minutes (5/12/96) )

I find it very hard - frankly impossible - to believe that Albright remained in ignorance of her Jewish identity and Family History until a newspaper discovered that in the 1990s :-

'It was not until many years later, in the late 1990s, that Albright learned just how vulnerable her family's position in Europe had been.

The Washington Post newspaper discovered more than a dozen of her relatives, including three grandparents, were killed during the Holocaust for being Jewish. Albright, who was raised Roman Catholic, had until then been unaware of the circumstances of their death.'

( Apart from the fact that there was no reason at all for Albright's Family to conceal any of this from her, we are asked to believe that precisely the same scenario was played out in later life by yet another senior Democrat who was also apparently raised a Roman Catholic :-
'Kerry first found out about his Jewish ancestry in 2004, when he was running for president against George W. Bush . . '“It’s a connection that’s deep. I lost a great-uncle in the Holocaust and a great-aunt. I never knew that until then.'

Funny how they don't get around to discussing these little things in their families, isn't it? And the High Clearance Security Checks all these top grade political personnel have to undergo seem to be alarmingly inept at finding anything out of actual importance, to say the least)

Source :-

If somebody was a sane, functional, non-psychotic human being, given the genocidal tragedy of their family history, they would indeed behave like the paragon described in the obituary (except for the 'military intervention' bit, perhaps ) :-

'It was during this time, as ambassador, Albright experienced what she called the "deepest regret" of her career - the failure of the international community to halt the genocide in Rwanda.

On the world stage, Albright advocated aggressively for US and democratic interests. Perhaps aided by her all-too close familiarity with communism and fascism, she was a fierce proponent of human rights and opposition to authoritarianism on the international stage, even if it meant military intervention.'

Yet a distinct ambiguity in this particular personality emerges even in a positive assessment of her achievements posted on CNN in 1999.

After all, the two-word title itself refers to the 78 day NATO carpet bombing of Serbia as 'Madeleine's War' - the touching conclusion of this encomium reveals Madeleine's innate modesty-

'For someone so proud of being tough, she seems touchingly eager for approval, anxious about how the article on her will turn out. (Rest assured, I say, the pictures are good.) Yet both in her mind and heart, she betrays no self-doubt about her views. Madeleine's War? "Well, I don't think it's solely mine. But I feel that we did the right thing, and I am proud of the role I played in it." '

Source :-

Perhaps she would have been a little less enthusiastic about the virtues of War and a little more empathetic to the inevitable casualties if she had experienced it herself at first hand, as did Four Star General Colin Powell.

And at this point notions of ambiguity of personality definitely start to coalesce into something a sight less indistinct :-

'The death of former Secretary of State Colin Powell has raised the specter of his role in the U.S. invasion of Iraq — namely, his speech to the UN presenting purported (later revealed to be wrong) evidence of Saddam Hussein’s WMDs, which proved as a pivotal moment in garnering public support for the war.

But Powell, who not only served as chief diplomat, national security adviser, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but also four star general of the Army and Vietnam veteran, has never been accused of being the most voraciously gung-ho soldier when it comes to war. In fact, he’s been known for the opposite, and for good reason.

Possibly the most notable moment and one that best encapsulates the “Powell Doctrine” is this extraordinarily tense exchange with Madeleine Albright, then Secretary of State, over whether the Clinton administration should authorize NATO airstrikes on Bosnia in 1993.

“My constant, unwelcome message at all the meetings on Bosnia was simply that we could not commit military forces until we had a clear political objective,” Powell wrote in his memoir, “My American Journey.” Albright, he wrote, “asked me, ‘What’s the point of having this superb military that you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?’ I thought I would have an aneurysm.” 

Powell also said Albright, who once said the death of 500,000 Iraqi children due to U.S. sanctions was “worth it,” was treating American GIs as “toy soldiers to be moved around on some global chessboard.” '

Source :-

But to get a true Outsiders' view of Western Media/Political Hypocrisy at its most shamelessly extreme, and in particular as embodied in the person of, and the MSM attitude towards, Madeleine Albright  we need to go East, indeed as far as the now 'cancelled' Russia Today - and this particular Outsider was once very nearly an Insider, too :-

'In March 1999, I was a student in the American Midwest, and had been (almost) successfully brainwashed into believing the platitudes about freedom, democracy, tolerance, objectivity, rules and laws, and how the US was a “force for good” in the world. Then, overnight, people I thought had been my friends called me a monster and believed every single bit of propaganda that came off the TV screens and newspaper pages. 

I’ve made justice and remembrance something of my life mission since then, seeking to explain that rather than a good, noble and humanitarian war, Kosovo represented everything wrong about the modern world: “A monument to the power of lies, the successful murder of law, and the triumph of might over justice,” as I wrote in 2005, and repeated every year since.'

Source :-


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