The American President is a War Criminal who also stole the Election

 (But, hey! That's just my opinion, what do you think? )

Whilst the Russian leadership retains diplomatic language, the British and American Leaders talk like angry babies and the scared and unscrupulous puppets that they are :-

'President Joe Biden on Thursday called Vladimir Putin a "pure thug" and "murderous dictator," his latest pointed attack against the Russian President as the war in Ukraine rages on.

Speaking at the annual Friends of Ireland Luncheon on St. Patrick's Day at Capitol Hill, Biden said Putin is "a murderous dictator, a pure thug who is waging an immoral war against the people of Ukraine."

Source :-

CNN Politics: 'Biden calls Putin a 'murderous dictator' and 'pure thug'

I think it is time the Russian Leadership called for the arrest and trial of Biden for International War Crimes.

• The following article, from October 2020, which also incidentally predicts exactly how the Election was going to be stolen ( 'A disputed outcome, perhaps with Donald Trump and Joe Biden both claiming victory, compounded by a “blue shift,” where states are claimed by Trump on election night but flip over to Biden as additional absentee and mail-in ballots conveniently turn up days or weeks later' ) itemises Biden's War Crimes ('Joe Biden was the primary sponsor of the March 1999 Kosovo war authorization for military action against Serbia and Montenegro, S. Con. Res. 21 . . The ensuing 78-day NATO air operation had little impact on Serbia’s military but devastated the country’s infrastructure and took hundreds of civilian lives. Even now, more than 20 years later, Serbia suffers from elevated cancer levels attributed to depleted uranium munitions 'etc ) as well as giving an overview of Biden Father and Sons' corrupt financial dealings in the Ukraine :-

Strategic Culture Foundation: 'Before the Bidens 'Did' Ukraine, there was Iraq - and Serbia'

More on Biden's crucial role in facilitating the 78 day bombing of Serbia here ( 'By March 1999, Biden’s campaign for war took on an air of imminence. “I think we will be bombing pretty soon,” he said on March 19. “We must move forward with a bombing campaign.” )

Source :-


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