Most innocuous 'Major News Story' in History?


Just watched the ITV  News Bulletin - Headline Story is Fake News about the Ukraine, but at least it is a military conflict, then stuff about Biden in Poland, at least he is a President even if he didn't win an Election, then something featuring a Royal, at least he is a monarch's progeny even if he doesn't have anything interesting to say, but then - THE DRUMMER OF THE FOO FIGHTERS HAS DIED!  Not even the guy who is the Lead Guitarist and Singer and who was also the drummer for the much more famous Nirvana.

And of course, this non-story is given the same major prominence across all of Britain's Single Platform MSM outlets. ( )

Are they DELIBERATELY doing this to demonstrate their ridiculous power to impose whatever narrative they want on the entire population, no matter how trivial or major?

It's like the creating of Major Headlines out of someone in the pub saying that Russia might use Chemical Weapons in the Ukraine, that's how much credence and value that latter supposition has.

What I am saying is, is this ubiquitous Taylor Hawkins story deliberately intended as an experiment in seeing how far you can treat the general public as idiots?

In which case, as far as the predominantly British sector of the World's population is concerned,  I could have told them that there was no overarching requirement for such an experiment.


BBC News: 'Taylor Hawkins: Foo Fighters' Drummer dies at 50'

Update - listening to Radio Two - Jo Whiley's 'Happy Shiny Hour' - a totally obscure Three Degrees song is played. Why? Jo Whiley explains 'because it was Taylor Hackford's (whatever his name is) favourite childhood song.

It is NOT April the First - there is NO reason to keep this idiocy going beyond two days ago.

On the compulsory license fee paid National Broadcaster,  no less.

The few who I have tried to engage in conversation about this admit that they never heard of him before, any more than I did (and I used to enjoy even watching Dave Grohl aping about in Foo Fighters videos, which is closer to Hackshaw than 99.5% of the MSM News consumers ever got) yet they still insist that it is a tragic death and must be important for some reason or another.


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