It's 'Zelensky' with a zed, not 'Zelensky' with a zee et-cet-era


Just two posts back today,  and bearing in mind that Zelensky has done nothing physically courageous to aid the Ukraine 'War Effort' (and how could he? He is not even physically present in 'Kyiv', or anywhere else in Ukraine for that matter: ( cf. 'Video confirms that Zelensky  is still in Kiev' ) I put:

'One thing is clear - Zelensky, who has done nothing but urge on a Fight to the Finish, which was always going to be a foregone conclusion,  will in time become the most hated man in the Ukraine.

Or he would be if he was living in the Ukraine, which he isn't.

His reward will be the wealthy retirement abroad which was already arranged for him before the first day of the deliberately provoked Military Operation.' (

BBC News never tells the truth, except perhaps for selected facts that incidentally happen to bolster its Chosen Narrative- and yet in a news story that actually incorporates within its body the very faked video footage of a green-screened Zelensky referenced above it reveals the entire internationally-scaled crassness of the 'Zelensky' psy-op.

Link: BBC News 'Shame on you': How President Zelensky uses speeches to get what he needs

Because that is what it is.

Like 'Greta Thunberg' of the Green (pre-covid) Global Warming psy-op, 'Zelensky' has earned himself the inverted commas of a personality who is essentially a fabrication in terms of what the Western Propaganda Machine (aka MSM) are projecting him as.

But the physical manifestation of his scriptwriters'  'we shall never surrender' (copyright c Winston Churchill ) rhetoric is the decimation of the Ukraine Armed Forces by numerically smaller, but  tactically superior, Russian Forces which conscientiously strove to avoid civilian targets from the start.

Don't worry though - 'Zelensky' - who has absolutely no native affection for The Ukraine whatsoever (unlike the neo-nazi battalions that the Western MSM assure us do not exist - HERE WE GO (sigh) (Not going to post up any Woke BS about this being 'distressing'
-  is now well placed to avoid the fallout.

Anyway,  here is video footage of Zelensky absolutely ACING the Finale of 'Dancing with the Stars' (in whichever territory he was representing , anyway) - extraordinary, isn't it? The transition from superficial 'Dance for your Money, Mr.  Monkey' style show-biz desperation to, er - er - whatever :/ 

Zelensky winning 'Dancing with the Stars'


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