It has never been easier to decide which side you are on

It isn't a War against Ukraine - it is a War against Russia - and here's why :-

'The advocates of so-called 'social progress' believe they are introducing humanity to some kind of a new and better consciousness. Godspeed, hoist the flags as we say, go right ahead.

The only thing that I want to say now is that their prescriptions are not new at all. It may come as a surprise to some people, but Russia has been there already. After the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks, relying on the dogmas of Marx and Engels, also said that they would change existing ways and customs and not just political and economic ones, but the very notion of human morality and the foundations of a healthy society.' 

- Vladimir Putin


Henry Makow: Putin espouses a "Healthy Conservatism"


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