Back on 31st March, I put - 'One thing is clear - Zelensky, who has done nothing but urge on a Fight to the Finish, which was always a foregone conclusion, will in time become the most hated man in the Ukraine. Or he would be if he was living in the Ukraine, which he isn't. His reward will be the wealthy retirement abroad which was already arranged for him before the first day of the deliberately provoked Military Operation. And it is a Military Operation, not an Invasion.' I know I am Preaching to the Choir here, but the average British Civilian needs to know that the Truth is NOT a Moving Target and that on this basis events can fairly be predicted. All that is required is to completely disregard cognitive dissonance. (Which apparrently is nigh on impossible for most) And it only alienates the THICKbrits - er, sorry - 'British Civilians' - further if one constantly refers t...
Well, this latest piece of lying Ukro-propaganda just HAPPENED to coincide with the G7 Conference, didn't it? And we are all stupid enough to buy that, me included - But we ALL missed out on a genuine Strike on a Maternity Hospital Building actually being used as a hospital at the time - I am passionately pro-Choice - I want to continue to be a swivel-eyed , lunatic THICKbrit with a head stuffed so full of incompetent MSM lies I will believe any s*** I am told on any subject, as long as it is Philip and Holly telling me - 'Moscow has condemned the shelling of Donbass civilians as “absolutely barbaric.” A spokesman for the UN secretary-general called the shelling of a maternity hospital in Donetsk “an obvious breach of international humanitarian law.” Source :-
THICKbrit journalism at its worst - which cannot help but make the THICKbrits who read it even more brain-split and therefore even more manipulable - polite word for THICK - than ever, in true Doublethink-style. Because the Mail here presents the actual words of the dialogue, the meaning of which is absolutely clear on behalf of both parties :- Tokayev :- ''We don't recognise Taiwan [direct statement that they support Communist China's stance on Taiwan, in direct contradiction to NATO's] Kosovo, South Ossetia or Abkhazia... we apply this principle to the quasi-state territories, which in our view, are the Luhansk and Donetsk peoples' Republics' [thus refusing to acknowledge the latter two Republics' desire for their own Sovereignty and Independence ] Putin :- "What is the Soviet Union? This is historic Russia." [A direct repudiation of the Totalitarian Socialism of the Cold,War Years] But in a story helpfully headlined 'Prepare to fight...
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