'Every joke is a tiny revolution' - George Orwell


For one day yesterday since the Ukraine Conflict began, I ignored checking MSM News (and Alternative) headlines.

Going back today, it is as if the THICKbrit MSM Fairy had waved her Magic Wand and Normal Service - Domestic Rubbish as opposed to International Rubbish - had been resumed.

A pretty funny and totally harmless joke the Prime Minister made is being treated with all the sanctimonious gravity reserved immediately prior to this for the usual Ukraine whoppers about 'Putin bombing Hospitals and Kindergartens'

'Earlier, Tory MP Andrea Leadsom confirmed that Mr Johnson made a "light-hearted joke" on Tuesday night about Sir Keir Starmer's decision not to answer whether a woman can have a penis in a debate on trans rights.

It was reported that Mr Johnson began a dinner among Tory MPs by saying: "Good evening ladies and gentleman - or as Keir Starmer would put it, people who are assigned female or male at birth."

Jamie Wallis was at the dinner. SNP MP John Nicholson told BBC Politics Live the joke was "appallingly bad taste". '

Source :-

Jamie Wallace MP comes out as trans and speaks of rape ordeal

'Boris Johnson told a joke to the Tory faithful poking fun at the culture war over gender identity just hours before one of his male MPs said he wishes to transition to become a woman, it was revealed today.'

Source : 

Andrea Leadsom defends Boris Johnson over 'lighthearted' trans joke

Well, comedy is all about timing, isn't it?

Update :-

Just read this paragraph on the latest Les Visible post, dated Tuesday 29th March :-

'The Michelin Man and The Pillsbury Dough Boy are now a fashion statement, and an ever-increasingly larger segment of us go to Mr. Potato Head Land to have our organs relocated because it is fashionable. “Oh! You're transgender? So am I! What are your pronouns? Mine are It and That. I am so expressing my real self and living my truth.” What is really happening is that you are headed toward the scrap heap where all the broken toys go to die.'

The Pilsbury dough-boy? Uncanny!

'He said the dinner with Tory MPs on Tuesday evening reminded him "of the incredible support those you work with can provide".

"I was reminded how important it is to be yourself. I have never lived my truth and I'm not sure how. Perhaps it starts with telling everyone."

Later he said he was "overwhelmed by the kindness and support I have received".

"I am proud to be completely open and honest about the struggles I have had, and continue to have, with my identity. However, I remain the same person I was yesterday. For the time being, I will continue to present as I always have and will use he/him/his pronouns."

Source :-


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