'Did he really just say that?'

'Mateusz Morawiecki says it has become an obvious reality in the country

What was once called Russophobia has now become mainstream in Poland, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said during a press conference on Wednesday.'

Source :-

Russophobia is the new mainstream - Polish PM

This is nowhere to be found in the British MSM.

Because the Polish Prime Minister is not adding 'and that's a bad thing.'

He is saying it's a good thing and should be acted upon.

Which the British MSM is totally in accord with, and has been ever since Vladimir Putin reversed Russia's decline.

But you are not supposed to admit that your own -ophobia is mainstream - that sort of weaponised language is designed exclusively to label and condemn any Word, Deed and ultimately Thought contradictory to  'liberal' (reverse-speak for Globalist) Social Engineering.

As an Eastern European and a Conservative, Morawiecki obviously has a lot to learn about nuance.

Or 'not giving the game away' in common parlance-


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