Boring Headline, Dull Picture


25.03.2022 (17:29)

Speech of the Head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Colonel General Sergei Rudskoy

That IS a tedious headline, isn't it?

Whilst over here the BBC is currently providing us with all sorts of Eye-Catchers such as:

Ukraine war: A dangerous escape on the 'Rescue Express'

By Fergal Keane

BBC News, Lviv

Published1 day ago

There are many such stories as these (as Fergal Keane himself might
begin it ) night after night, day after day, hour after hour, a constant bombardment of relentless melodramatic
prose-style such as this paragraph of mine :-

'We wait among the anxious and exhausted, the families calming scared children, the elderly woman wrapped in a blanket and pulling a suitcase. She looks as if she cannot possibly walk another step. But she will trudge forward when the all-clear is given. This is not a place of options. Go forward, or run the risk of the war catching up with you.'

Source :-

This sort of stuff, of course, is alternated with
expert-sounding Big Picture assessments of the Military Theatre of Operations that always somehow make it sound as if Russia is incurring vast losses between 'deliberately targeting civilians' and with such Wishful Thinking bylines, always posed as a question, as 'Is Russia admitting invasion not going to plan?'

Source :-

BBC News:  War in Ukraine: Change of emphasis or admission of failure by Moscow?

Well, if you want to find out what Russia is or is not admitting, why do you not go directly to the source and find out for yourself rather than try and pass off your own editorialised Second Guessing as News?

So that is where my boring headline comes in - because it is, in fact,  a lengthy factual assessment of the course of the Military Operation thus far as interpreted by the Russian Military High Command, replete with logistical information, itemised Facts and Figures and so forth,  which you can choose to believe or not, but which does at least read as if the speaker knows what he talking about, even if he doesn't, and does at least seem like an attempt at serious factual analysis based on the collation of Field Data rather than merely adhering to the single Editorial Policy demanded of every British MSM outlet at present.

So here it is - and may the difficult unuser-friendly typeface provide many minutes of ponderous and uninspiring 
reading :-

Speech of the Head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Colonel General Sergei Rudskoy

Source :-


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