Because no women and babies suffer ill-effects during NATO carpet-bombings


More vile sentimentality from the BBC - 'The Nation's Broadcaster.'

Part of the general assumption the British MSM makes about its Captive Audience is that if you provide 'Human Detail' - names and ages and pained quotations - they will see the Desired Enemy as a Faceless Dehumanised Monster.

Replace the names, locations and the nationality of these babies with Iraqi, Afghan or Serbian names, located in hospitals within those locations, and with accurate description of the bombers as NATO craft, and what difference does it make?

'Polina was born in Kharkiv's regional perinatal clinic weighing just 630g (1.4lbs). The average weight for a full-term baby girl is five times that.

Viktoria, 800g (1.7lbs), was born in Lviv's perinatal hospital in early March along with her twin sister Veronika, after her mother fled from Kyiv. She's just passed her first kilogram.

These two little girls, one a refugee, the other struggling for life in a city bombarded by Russian forces, reveal the gruelling choices facing mothers and doctors here.'

No doubt this is a calculated appeal to women, written by a woman.

For some reason, people do not suppose women can be either monsters on the one hand, and I strongly suspect the writer of this piece may have some less- than- sterling personal qualities, ( also cf. ) or gullible fools with a highly selective Maternal Instinct on the other ( tangentially, this goes towards explaining why there are all those 
catch-all neologisms inserted into Common Parlance such as  'sexist' - to dismiss the possibility that females may not in every way be superior to males - part of a wider Globo-Communist war waged against the West from within the West) 

Why call the sentimentality vile?

Well, for the above reasons, but also the BBC is absolutely 100% pro-abortion, inserting 'pro-choice' propaganda even in its Mass Viewing Soap Operas like 'Medics' (Doctors breaking the Hippocratic Oath) and TWICE in 'Call the Midwife' - and the heroines of that are Roman Catholic nuns.

If it is outside the womb it is murder, if it is inside it is 'a woman's Right to Choose'.

No wonder George Orwell named Room 101 after the Office he worked in at the BBC.

Source :-


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