A Word to the Wise - or even to the average Briton : Start learning Russian


There is a lot to take from this.

'Scott Ritter is a U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence officer, former UN Chief Weapons Inspector from 1991 -1998, and is currently engaged as a commentator and columnist on Huffington Post, consortiumnews and the American Conservative.'

And yet Scott himself repeatedly states that the Western MSM does not stop lying.

Gonzalo Lira is a Chilean Roman Catholic  living underground in the Ukraine (the reason why is explained in the interview)

One thing is clear - Zelensky, who has done nothing but urge on a Fight to the Finish, which was always a foregone conclusion,  will in time become the most hated man in the Ukraine.

Or he would be if he was living in the Ukraine, which he isn't.

His reward will be the wealthy retirement abroad which was already arranged for him before the first day of the deliberately provoked Military Operation.

And it is a Military Operation, not an Invasion.

Russia stated its Military Objectives from the very start and has never deviated from it, because those are its Military Objectives.

It is only the Western MSM that keeps changing the narrative.


But then it doesn't need to be convincing, due to its almost entirely uncritical Captive Audience.

In the end, it is the native Western Populations who will suffer the most from choosing to believe lies and choosing to hate the one Superpower it should be supporting.

Any sane Westerner who is able to will start learning Russian with a view to emigration.

Source :-


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